Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve: A Day With The Marines

I have no idea what I'm writing, and this all just sounds like some police show or something (I think I've been watching too much Lucifer). I also just wanted to say that Watanabe Haruto (lastname, firstname) is my own character that I just made up on the spot. I'd say he looks like Dazai from Bungo Stray Dogs but with a little longer hair. He's not that significant, but will come up occasionally.


Smoker couldn't sleep.

Maybe it was because of the thoughts that ran through his brain. Maybe it was because of the fact that you're sleeping beside him and he doesn't want to turn and accidentally crush you. Or maybe the flashing lights emitting from those bracelets of yours is too damn annoying.







The colors just kept changing over and over and over. Why were they doing this? Was it because you were sleeping? Did you know it did this? And why did you have a bird on your lap?

Smoker is confused.


Tashigi is confused.

Confused, actually, is an understatement.

"Smokey! What are we working on today?"

Why was there a girl clinging onto her captain so desperately as he's doing paperwork? Actually, the question was why wasn't he pushing her away. Especially with how annoyed he was looking right now.

"I can help you with anything! I have experience!" Smoker let out a puff of smoke, giving you a very skeptical look.

"You're saying you have 'experience' doing reports?" You furiously nodded your head. Smoker was giving you very odd stares. "So you're saying you were a marine at some point?" You opened your mouth to say yes, before pausing. Saying yes would be a very very bad idea. Smoker took your silence as a no, and huffed.

"I know you're trying to be helpful, but if you can't do it then you can't do it." Smoker turned his attention back towards his reports. You furrowed your brows at the one beside you, picking it up to inspect it. Smoker paid you no heed as you did your thing.

"Hey Smokey... why does this one say 'Robbery on the Twelfth' when this report was made on the ninth?" You stared at the paper in wonder. "It also says that they solved the robbery violently with two casualties and that the perpetrator was arrested around 2:00 down on Eleanor, but we were down that street at the time too right? Did you see a robbery?" He grabbed the paper from your hands, inspecting it.

"Tashigi, who made these reports?"

"I-I um, I don't know sir but I'll go find out now." Tashigi took the report out of his hands and rushed out of the room. You went back to looking at the reports, not paying any mind at how fondly Smoker was watching you. But no matter how much he liked you (he'd never admit that) there was suspicion.

"You're pretty smart." You looked up, gazing into his blue eyes.

"I am?"

"You pick up details and information easily, and piece them together quite well. I can see how you easily put together how the legend and The Little Princess match up." He turned in his seat so that he could properly face you. "You said you had experience. Were you a marine?" You didn't exactly want to tell him, but you didn't want to lie either. But hey, he wouldn't find out that the two of you knew each other!

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