Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen: Raging Admiral and the Photo Issue


Akainu grumbled to himself as smoke escaped his lips, holding the cigar in place as he sifted through some papers, desperate for a picture. Behind him, a large banner that exclaimed in large characters said "Thorough Justice". His eyes glanced up at the one photo on his desk, feeling irritating rage explode off of him.

He was not going to use that photo.

Now why was Akainu, one of the three Marine Admirals, looking for a photo?

Well, after getting an anonymous call that Baratie had experienced a disaster, he had heard some interesting information, leading him to call the lieutenant who was present at the time. That disgrace had looked so pitiful before him, looking as if he were about to piss his pants. It was fucking ridiculous. Not even you would looked like that before him.

But that wasn't what Akainu had focused on.

Fullbody reported that it was someone who looked like you, a female with H/l H/c hair with beautiful E/c eyes, and a very innocent personality, who threatened him with Garp's transponder snail.

Okay, so maybe that last part didn't make them that innocent.

But he obviously, he knew it was you. Who the else would have the same features and personality as you, and have possession of Garp's Transponder snail? He was pretty sure there wasn't anybody who looked like you within the Marine force, he made sure of that. The Admiral didn't want anything to jog his memory of you.

Well, unless it meant capturing you, which lead to his latest predicament: Finding the right photo

He slammed his desk in anger, frustrated that he threw away ever single photo he had of you after you had left the marines several years ago. Now he was seriously regretting it. All he had to use for a wanted poster was this photo that somebody purposely left for him that he was definitely not going to use. Chucking it away, he thought of Kizaru.

Kizaru had a lot of photos of you. There was so much in his room that Akainu questioned how the fuck he's always constantly taking photos. Akainu took one once, and Kizaru immediately noticed. It was like the light Admiral went through ever single fucking picture each day, and he was scouring the building for the missing photo.

It was a good thing he put it back before Kizaru suspected him, not that the man ever would.

Akainu shook his head, hands balling into fists.

He was not going to ask that man for a photo. His pride wouldn't allow it. And he was sure he wasn't going to get it without any teasing involved. His eyes gazed at the photo on his desk.

But then again, he wasn't going to use this photo either.


His footsteps echoed along the halls, tired from the constant training. Today was his somewhat of a rest day. Overhead, the lights would occasionally flicker, but they would never actually turn off. A sigh escaped his lips. When were they going to fix those lights? '

Walking past a storage room, he paused, stopping in his tracks. It was soft, barely audible, but Smoker could clearly hear it. Someone was crying. He tensed. Just ignore it, he told himself, but he had soon found himself opening the storage room door. Damn his conscious for not ignoring this. What kind of marine even cries anyways? A pathetic one?

The door creaked open, and Smoker peered into the darkness. The crying was louder now, and he couldn't pinpoint exactly where.

"Who's in here?" The crying abruptly halted, only small hiccups audible in the room. "Where are you?" He received no response. Was there some stowaway on Marine Ford? A child? Passing by the crates, he soon found himself beside a crouched figure, head buried into their knees. He bent down, seeing that it was a young girl probably a couple of years younger than himself. Her features were kind of obscured in the dark, but he could see the glimmer of tears down her face.

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