Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One: Zoro Versus Y/n

Gif is irrelevant, but I just thought it was hilarious. 


"Phoenix, hey don't attack me!!" you yelped, running around the lighthouse as he squealed at you angrily. "I'm sorry! I said I was sorry!!" you whined. "Ow! Hey! Oh.. I think I'm bleeding..."

Azar let out a huff, before he was suddenly kicked into the Red Line.

"OI YOU BIRD!" Sanji yelled angrily, waving his chef's knife around wildly. "I don't care if you're Y/n's 'friend', but you can't harm a beautiful goddess just like that!" His hands shook violently in anger. "I'll kill you!!"

"Ah..." You sweatdropped. "Sanji, that isn't necessary... He's just a little unhappy... that's all..."

"YOU'RE NOT GOING TO GET ANY ELEPHANT TUNA!" Sanji shouted, earning an unhappy squawk from the bird. "Oh, that makes you upset huh? Well attacking Y/n-hime makes me upset too!"

Phoenix snarled. Who did Sanji think he was? Denying him food and acting like Mihawk.

Phoenix was a growing child (now). He needed sustenance to live! And here Sanji was, being a little bitch because he attacked you. Well actually, he would be acting like Sanji too if someone did that, but you left him behind! He had a right to be angry.

"Don't give me that look," Sanji growled, pointing the knife in his direction. "I'll skin you alive if you try anything. I'm the chef here, and you aren't getting any food until I say so."

"Mhmm!" Luffy groaned, shoving his face full of the delicious fish that Sanji had won in Loguetown. "Dishishgudd!!" It was like the boy was taunting him, poking fun at Phoenix for his misery.

Maybe he was.

"Ah... Sanji, Phoenix deserves a little bit of food..." You said, taking the bird's side. "I did leave him..." Phoenix gave you a hopeful squawk.

Zoro and Sanji gave you a disappointed look, shaking their heads.

"Let him suffer," they spoke in unison. Blinking, they snapped their heads to the side, staring at each other in surprise. Well at least there were some things they could agree on.

Phoenix's heart crumbled to pieces. Huffing angrily, he flew off into the horizon.

"Now, time for some of that-" Sanji and Zoro froze at the sight of Luffy cramming the last piece of elephant tuna inside of his mouth, "-tuna.."

"Ah!" Luffy sighed in content. "That was good food! I'm done eating, so let's go!"

"YOU ATE THE WHOLE THING!" Zoro and Sanji shouted in unison.

"HE EVEN ATE THE BONES!" Usopp yelled in horror, pointing at the empty plates.

Sanji grabbed Luffy by the neck angrily. "You stupid, stretchy, jerk! I made those for Nami-san and Y/n-hime!! Now what are they going to eat?!"

"I didn't eat the whole thing, see?" Luffy held out a remaining plate of tuna. Sanji's grip on Luffy relaxed as the cigarette fell out of Sanji's mouth.

What? WHAT?!

At this moment, your stomach chose to growl. Luffy's eyes darted up to you immediately, a sly smile on his face.

"Y/n!! Marry me and I'll give you food!" That earned him a very furious hit from not only Sanji, but from Nami as well.

"Don't speak to Y/n that way!" Nami reprimanded. "You don't just ask someone constantly to marry you! That's just ridiculous! And you can't take advantage of the fact that Y/n's hungry and bribe her to be your wife! You aren't even in a relation-..." Nami trailed off. "Wait, are you guys...?"

[Discontinued] Two Birds, a Crocodile, and a Little Bit of EveryoneWhere stories live. Discover now