Story Extras - Number One

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Story Extra Number One - One Year Anniversary

Note: Story Extras are just events that are cannon to the story, but aren't mentioned (usually). The lengths of the extras will vary, dependent on how important the details are. They'll be posted ever so often as little bonuses. They will not all be in order.

Story Extra Summary: Mihawk leaves the island, only to return to chaos (event mentioned last chapter). Features Mihawk and Shanks.


The sunlight filtered through your velvet curtains, and you opened your eyes slightly to stare at the ceiling. A yawn left your throat as you sat up, stretching your sore muscles. Yesterday was... not fun. Your Master was ushering you to wield his beloved Yoru, to which was a huge mistake on his part.

No, nothing happened to Yoru. It's just, that you didn't feel that you were ready to hold such a sharp and large sword. Did I mention sharp? You sighed. How long had you been training under Mihawk? It's almost been a year already, and you've barely accomplished anything. You weren't saying that Mihawk was a terrible teacher, he was actually very good at explaining things, but it was just that you were a very terrible student with way too many flaws.

You groaned, pulling the comforter over your head.

What did Mihawk see in you anyways?

A loud knock on your door caused you to jump out of bed hurriedly, rushing to the mirror to comb your hair out. You looked around the room, not spotting Phoenix, and fear started to creep into the back of your mind.

"Come in!" you yelled as you tried to look as if you hadn't just gotten up. Alas, Mihawk was a very observant man, and he knew very well that you had just woken up. His golden eyes narrowed at your slightly messy hair, and noticed that you were still in your nightwear. Yes he knew that you had just gotten up, not only because you looked like it, but the fact that he was in your room only a few minutes ago.

Watching you sleep.

"Master! Good Morning!" you chuckled awkwardly. "What brings you to my room?"

"You're going to be redoing your lesson from yesterday," he spoke, arms crossed. "I was not pleased with you running away again. If you do this again, I may have to reconsider you as my pupil."

You bit your tongue, wanting to retort that you felt that you didn't deserve to be his pupil (nor did you really had a say in the matter in the first place), but you didn't want to piss him off. He seemed to be in a crappy mood today. "Wait, you didn't say 'we'. Does that mean-"

"Yes. I will be leaving shortly. Red-haired has some things he would like to discuss with me-"

"You're going to go see Shanks?!" Your eyes sparkled, and Mihawk felt his eye twitch in annoyance. Of course you would want to see his rival, and that irritated him to no end. "Can I-"



"No. As I have stated earlier, I was not pleased with your actions yesterday. You will not becoming with me." His voice was cold and harsh, and you flinched, staring at your floorboards dejectedly. "Do you understand?"

"Yes Master."

"Good. Behave while I'm gone." He opened the door, but paused slightly when he heard your small voice call out to him.

"You're going to come back. Right?"

He raised his eyebrow at the absurd question. "...of course..." With that, your Master left, and you watched his back with sad eyes, feeling a pang in your heart. You didn't deserve to be his pupil, you knew that and it hurt a hell lot. It hurt even more to see him walk away, even if it was only temporary.

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