Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine: A Kidnapping within a Kidnapping


Ah right, where exactly did we leave off at?

The sound of metal clashing together rung throughout the island, sparks flying off as his sword made contact with a tail. He widened his eyes. It was a dragon.

That's right. Dragon.

Shanks immediately jumped backwards as the iron hard tail came back around, nearly grazing his chest. The sheer power and size of the creature before him was immense, with golden eyes that narrowed into black slits and a body the color of green moss. No, not the color, the dragon literally had moss growing off of him.

The Yonko, wondering if he should retreat and reevaluate his plans, patted his side for his book. Realizing that the book was no longer in his arms, he immediately spotted it at the base of the very intimidating dragon. Well, intimidating if you weren't powerful.

About to rush in and retrieve it, the dragon, sensing his intentions, immediately crushed the book with his tail.

Boom! The ground shook as the dragon destroyed his precious book and map. Shanks could feel his eyebrow twitching.

Ah you fucking dragon.

* * *


You jolted in your spot, feeling a vibration through your body. You wondered what the cause of the vibration was, but you were beginning to think that it was your imagination since your Master didn't seem to notice it.

The ocean waves crashed against the small odd boat, spraying sea water onto the deck. You squirmed as far away as you could get (which wasn't very far, especially when you're in someone's grasp), disgust and fear lacing your features. After waking up again, you accused Mihawk of kidnapping you from your friends, which he disregarded it as "it's not kidnapping if I'm not holding you captive".

By definition, kidnapping was "the action of abducting someone and holding them captive" (you read that in a dictionary, haha you felt so smart), and being trapped in his arms is probably considered as "holding you captive", but he ignored that too saying that "unless you want me to drop you in the sea, be quiet". You shut yourself up not because he would drop you, but because the look he gave you made you rethink your choices.

The bracelets on your wrists shifted slightly as your moved to get more comfortable, made of expensive metals and gems all compacted together. You sighed as you stared at them. Now you knew what Devil Fruit users felt like when they touch Sea Prism Stone.

(At least you got more visions. Hahaha...)

After the face he gave you, and what had transpired earlier, you decided to give him the silent treatment. Why did he even want to take you back home just so that he could take care of you? You didn't want to burden him even more! This was supposed to be your moment to prove to him that you could at least be a little more independent, and what he was doing wasn't improving your morale.

But even as you gave him the silent treatment, you felt guilty for not conversing with him.

The black haired Warlord behind you, clad in black and red garments, scrutinized your reactions, especially the one towards the sea. Sometimes, he wished he had a bigger boat, but then again, he wouldn't get the pleasure of having you on his lap.

He sighed as your usual cheery self was gone because of his rash choices that he made out of impulse. Yes, he felt extremely bad for his actions, but that didn't mean he would take them back. After all, you belonged to him, so why should he justify his actions? You would have been injured if you stayed too long on that floating restaurant, especially with your phobias (and your current situation). Dumb phobias, but nonetheless adorable. Ever since the two of you met, "coincidentally", encounters between the two of you had become frequent. Heck, you even became his student with much manipulating and pulling strings.

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