Reader's Personality and Abilities

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Name: L/n D. Y/n

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: [Insert Your Birthday] 

Age: 17

Appearance: Whatever you look like, or want to look like. 

Origin: Found in the sea near Marine Ford by Garp. Consequently leading to her "adoption".

Lineage: Unknown 


Haoshoku Haki

Busoshoku Haki

Kenbunshoku Haki 



A kind hearted, bubbly girl, Y/n is very uneducated in today's norms.

She can be very well mannered when it comes to first impressions (mostly because she doesn't want to embarrass herself), but if you catch her off guard, you might see her do something stupid. She's a child a heart, and absolutely loves sweets and tea. She has her own views on who she deems as good/bad. Most common view is the "don't mess with my friends or you're dead", but it seemingly fluctuates a lot.

To summarize, if you give her food/candies, she will love you and be your friend for all eternity. Very forgiving.

Y/n isn't exactly oblivious, as she is very observant as to what goes around her. She knows that mentioning things such as Mihawk's name or her relations with other big names would cause unnecessary problems. Even so, she can be very loose lipped around the people she's comfortable with, so beware!

Y/n's more on the naive side because of how she's raised. Most of her phobias also arise because she's been sheltered, and so it's easier for her to be traumatized. But it's also because of the way she's raised and the people's she's surrounded by that's made her understand people. Like Sakazuki for instance. He may seem like a bad guy, but because she's gotten to know him she's able to realize that not everyone is what they seem at first glance.

Even if it doesn't seem like it, she has an abandonment issue. She really loves everyone, but she knows she can't love two people of two opposing sides. She doesn't take negative things very well either.

Despite being kind hearted, Y/n can be very manipulative when it comes to certain things. She understands what an affect her personality has on others, and sometimes uses that to her advantage, especially when it comes to sweets. This comes in handy with negotiations and other important roles she has played in the past. 


Fear of the Sea

Fear of Sharp Objects

Fear of Loneliness/Abandonment

Fear of Heights

Odd Facts:

Drinks tea seemingly calmly in the most bizzare of situations, like- how the fuck did you even get the tea??? 

When she's pissed, she threatens people, flexing her power and authority. Y/n comes and goes because of her relations to other people. She might even curse, which is rare.

Sometimes in fights, she gives her opponents a little innocent laugh that could send shivers of fear down people's spines (because she laughs is dire situations), and sits down, sipping on tea, spectating battles.

She appears out of nowhere and plops down on people's laps.

She's a glutton, but eats politely when she's with other people that she isn't comfortable with.

She used to be a poor singer. After Sakazuki had made a comment about it, she had begun to train her voice in hopes of his praise.

She doesn't like interacting with crowds. They make her feel nauseous and the attention from people who aren't her friends makes her uncomfortable. She'll willingly interact if someone she knows is with her, but only if she can control her observation haki. 


Precognition - future sight. Though helpful, it causes migraines, depending on how far into the future it is. In the past, she only received a few, but now with her hand cuffs on, they increased tenfold, leading to several times a day.

Elemental/Atomic Manipulation - She can manipulate anything in existence, and there are currently no known drawbacks as Y/n hasn't used it much.

Sword Skills - She is very skilled in using a sword, if using a bokken counts lol like Gintoki

Friendship/Relationship Skills - Easily makes connections that prove to benefit her because of her oddness and innocence. (Leads to her role on the Strawhats)

Innocence - Her innocence is a weapon in itself. Nobody will think that cute little Y/n was a spy or something.

Analytical Skills - Her skills of analyzing data and information makes her a very valuable asset. She is also very intelligent despite the way she acts, and can pick up on emotional hints quite easily. 

Manipulation - She can easily manipulate people into doing her bidding, especially when she acts (or is) vulnerable. It's possible for her to manipulate someone else to manipulate the person she's actually targeting. It goes to show how influential she is. 

Taste - She's very good at detecting flavors and ingredients when she focuses. This is incredibly helpful when their might be poison involved in food. 

Role within the Strawhats: She's the walking target. Aka blackmail material and informant because of all the places she's traveled and the connections she's made. People would literally kill to have her.


Goal: To unify the world and create peace 

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