Story Extra - Number Five

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Story Extra Number Five - Phone and the... war?

Note: Guess who's back from the dead lol. I'm alive and well, life just came and gave me too much stuff to do. This story extra was a little warm up before all the serious stuff that's going to happen. Also, btw, this Extra has a little bit of plot in it, just saying.

Story Extra Summary: You spend time with a few of your friends.

Features: Perospero, the Charlotte Commadners (excluding Snack), Daifuku, Oven, Mihawk, Doflamingo, Crocodile, Shanks, Hancock, Ace, Marco, and Thatch.


As always, the weather on the Grand Line was wonderful. Wonderfully disastrous. It's not often that you would find yourself standing on the deck of a ship, and especially not one of Big Mom's. Namely Katakuri's.

But that wasn't the point. You almost died 200 times, nearly getting thrown off the ship by the bad weather that was constantly harassing the ship. And you would have too, had not Katakuri stuck by your side like a thumb, grabbing you before you could even blink. It's sometimes helpful to have someone who is constantly a few steps ahead of you.


Rain, hail, thunder, and snow; the weather on the Grand Line seemed more intense than usual. You're pretty sure that the weather was caused by your bad mood and constant screaming and yelling, but well, who knows. It could have been just an unlucky day. It was a miracle that you had eventually calmed down and didn't destroy the ship. And that miracle happened to be Katakuri.

What a godsend. Though if you weren't getting training from Mihawk himself then the situation would have been most dire. That man deserved some of the credit as well for at least being good at handling you and your fears.

Now, overhead, the sky was beginning to darken as the sun slowly sank across the horizon. The beautiful splashes of colors splattered across the sky as if it were a beautiful piece of art upon the canvas called the sky. Such normal, beautiful pleasantries were one of the things that helped you calm down. A calm that was sure to last as your beating heart came to a slow and steady pace.

And coupled with the warmth of your giant friend, you couldn't ask for more.

With a smile, you kissed Katakuri's cheek softly as he carried you on his shoulder, the two of you staring at the slowly setting sun together.

"We should hang out more often, Kata," you spoke happily, ruffling his beautiful maroon colored locks. Katakuri merely raised his brows, a little torn from safety and you.

From below, you could see the angry and frustrated look that Cracker was giving you. It made you laugh. "And you too, Cracker," you added in amusement.

"Oi oi how come Nii-chan get's a kiss and I don't?!" Cracker grumbled. He crossed his arms childishly with a pout, giving you disapproved side glances. "Totally not fair."

You scratched your neck sheepishly. "Well, do you want one?"

"Yes," he spoke bluntly.

You couldn't help but laugh softly at his behavior. At this moment, you were traveling with the two Charlotte commanders to a highly advanced island called Lux. The island was always bathed in a glow of light due to the electricity being generated and used to light up the city. From what you heard from Smoothie, she said that it was one of the most beautiful places to visit.

Speaking of Smoothie, she wasn't here on the ship at the moment. Apparently Mama had some tasks for her to do. You think that she was helping her arrange a marriage with an influential kingdom. That left you with the two other Charlotte Commanders, which happened to be Katakuri and Cracker.

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