Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven: Azar the Phoenix


Watching you leave hurt, a lot. But it meant that you were safe, so he should have been happy, right?

Sanji couldn't stop thinking about you as he cooked while his new captain, crew mate, and the bounty hunters doing whatever the shit they were doing were on the outside of their boat. He just couldn't stop thinking about that incredible show of power, controlling the oceans. And yet at the same time, he was worried. It was clear to him that you weren't conscious of your actions, and he wondered what kind of affect it had on you.

What if you died? The thought made his heart pound in his ears and sweat profusely. No, you wouldn't die so easily. You were strong. You had a renowned Warlord by your side, you wouldn't just suddenly die. You were his angel, he had to believe in you. Earlier he had used that pearl man as a way to blow off some steam, but now it seemed like it wasn't enough.

Suddenly, the door slammed open, revealing a very hungry Luffy.

"Sanji! What's taking so long? I'm hungry..." Luffy whined, holding his stomach. Sanji sighed. Was he the only one thinking so hard? Luffy and the others didn't seem like they were having any trouble, so was it just him? His eyes trailed to the rubber man.

Maybe he should've just used Luffy as a punching bag instead.

Then again, that'd probably make you unhappy, and he couldn't have that now can he?

Unbeknownst to the chef, Luffy was in fact, having a difficult time.

For Luffy, he ate a lot of food when he was stressed, and right now he was beyond stressed. Gobbling everything up, he just couldn't stop thinking about you. He wanted to know when you'd come back to join his crew. Hopefully before they set sail to the Grand Line, the two of you promised after all.

He chewed on his meat, gazing at the thing.

Were you eating something too right now? Were you hungry? Would you have liked it if he shared his food with you like the two of you did when you were younger? Those thoughts made him think of Ace and Sabo, and all the times you tried to stop them from fighting, and the laughter inside the base. Then there was Dadan, who always favored you for some reason...

Those were the good days, and he missed them. But there was a new adventure waiting now, one where he was sure to travel with you.

Zoro quirked a brow at Luffy's silent behavior, chugging his alcohol. He was probably thinking about you, so Zoro thought it was no big deal. That reminded him. That Doffy man you mentioned... Zoro swore that name sounded familiar. He assumed that 'Doffy' was probably a big bounty pirate, considering the fact that the man mentioned your Master. He turned to Johnny and Yosaku.

"Oi, have you two ever heard of this 'Doffy' dude?"

"Doffy?" Johnny echoed. "Haven't heard of him, but it sounds familiar. Does he have a bounty?" Yosaku grabbed their stack of bounties, sifting through it.

"Dunno, probably." While looking through the stack, Yosaku asked,

"Where did you hear of him?" Zoro put his hands behind his neck, propping himself up.

"Heard him talking on the Den Den Mushi that our First Mate had." He yawned. "He probably has a big bounty, considering the fact that he mentioned Mihawk." His thoughts subtly trailed off to you and your innocent smile.

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