Chapter Three

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Chapter 3: The One Known as 'Master'


You didn't answer him, to which he chuckled. Hurried footsteps were heard from behind, and you looked back to see Ghin rushing towards you. When Krieg saw him, he roughly pushed you to Ghin, proceeding to lug the bag full of food. A sigh came from beside you as Ghin gingerly guided you towards the ship, causing you to glance up at him. He refused to meet your gaze, shame possibly at your current situation.

"Y/n-san, I'm sorry." Ghin had seen the frightened look on your face, including the shocked and angry looks from your Captain and Sanji. Why couldn't he have realized it sooner? You were that girl on the small boat, drifting in the Grand Line. The one that his captain had set his eyes on. In Krieg's attempts, misfortune had fallen upon them, like a curse for attempting to lure an angel.

"Don't apologize, I'll be fine," you reassured him. Were you that blind? How could you smile as if this were a normal occurrence, after what transpired? Doubt laced his features, and you grabbed hold of his tanned hand. "It's going to be alright- no, it will be alright. Put a little faith in me, Ghin." Tears were clouding his vision.

You tilted your head slightly to the left, eyeing a little fire bird on the Baratie. A vision of the ship splitting into thirds was in your mind's eye. "By the way, I wouldn't get on the ship if I were you."


You gave him a mischievous smile. "Call it, intuition." With that, you left him confused, and you hummed, recollecting the events that had occurred only mere minutes ago.

* * *

"Mere Minutes Ago"

Krieg laughed as he shot down the chefs, relishing in their pain.

"Don't defy me! I'm the strongest!" he declared, irritated that the cooks had attempted to take him down. "Steel arms more powerful than anyone's... A wootz steel-made body that is harder than anyone's..."

You let out a small hum, listening to his speech, waiting for the dust to settle.

"-And a diamond fist that can destroy anything! I have all sorts of built-in weapons throughout my body, and a 50-ship large fleet and 5000-pirate force!" Alright, this was starting to get boring, hearing his monologue.

"...I am the man fit to be called Don!" he shouted.

"What does 'Don' mean?" you mumbled to yourself.

"When I tell you to prepare food, you do it immediately! Don't defy me!" By now, the dust had already settled, allowing him to survey the damage he had caused. Instead, it revealed a young woman of the age of seventeen, standing amiss the chaos he had created. Taking a good look around, he noticed that the chefs were in fact, not in pain, and that the young woman was staring intently at her hands.


"Why aren't we injured?!"

It seemed like everyone else had the same thought. You looked up to stare at Krieg with intensity, before aggressively rubbing your eyes in exhaustion. Oh boy did that take a lot out of you. You accidentally unfisted your hands as your rubbed your eyes, and the bullets from Krieg's attack all landed on the floor.

"Oh. Whoops, my bad."

Everyone stared at you with a "wtf" face. About to pick the bullets up, a hand caught your wrist, causing you to look up in confusion. Don Krieg gazed into your eyes, the gears in his head clicking as realization dawned upon him.

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