Chapter Four

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Chapter Four: The Starting of a Journey and the Meeting of Allies Part One

(The next two chapters are mainly flashbacks to when you were looking for Luffy. It is during this journey here that you got to meet a few Yanderes.)


Mihawk felt hot. Rage bubbled within him as he could see his student helplessly within the grasp of a low ranking pirate. He was pissed. Pissed that you were being held captive by the pirate, and that you couldn't doing anything. A shimmer caused him to gaze at the jewelry that hung on your wrists.

He should have taken you back the moment you had put those on.

The swordsman tried to breathe calmly, but it couldn't quite quell the burning rage within him.

How did it ever come to this, really.

* * *

A couple weeks ago...

"Goodbye Master!" Mihawk watched as you waved eagerly at him, sitting on the larger than normal fishing boat. It was packed with all the necessities- food, water, a kitchen, a bathroom- and at this point it didn't feel like a fishing boat. Perhaps Mihawk over did it just a little bit, but it was for a good cause. Your safety will always be his number one priority. A stray wave splashed against the side of the boat, and you screamed, nearly toppling off the edge. Your Master sighed, limbs twitching in nervousness. He would have caught you if you fell, but he knew that he should let yourself be a little bit more independent.

The Greatest Swordsman didn't say this very often, but he was scared. Scared that you were going to die to pirates or some other creature.

He stood at the edge of the island, watching you as you wrestled with the sails. You were definitely going to die, not by pirates, but by your stupidity and clumsiness. Oh right, and your naiveness (is that even a word?). After a painstakingly long time (to which he cringed), you had managed to bring the sails down, and you rushed to the steering wheel.

"Do you have the money I gave you?" he asked before you could leave..

"Yup! It's all in my bag-" You looked around in confusion, seeing that your bag was nowhere in sight. A caw made the two of you look up, and your bag was dropped on your face. Or would have, had you not caught it. You grinned up at your Phoenix friend who settled next to you, towering above you by a couple feet.

Your Master watched as you conversed (somehow) with your Phoenix, a sigh escaping his lips. The Phoenix didn't exactly have a name, so he was mostly referred to as what he was- a phoenix. Phoenix wasn't exactly what you would imagine, unless the phoenix in your mind was seven feet tall, with a wing span of twenty. Honestly, it was a shock when he had kidnapped you that day- god, that day was by far the strangest thing that had ever happened to Mihawk, because that day was the day he had met you.

But that was irrelevant at the moment.

"Goodbye for real, Master! See you next time!" And with that, you were already on the move, commanding the salty water that you hated to your will, sending you away from Kuraigana Island. Phoenix had morphed into a smaller version of himself, nestling on your shoulder, and Mihawk reassured himself you would be fine.

He tried to at least.

He didn't make impulsive decisions. Everything was always planned and calculated beforehand, but when it came to you, everything felt like one. Rushing towards his own boat, he quickly pulled a small slip of paper from his pocket. Your vivre card. In the distance, you were already getting farther away, and he wouldn't be able to find you if he didn't have it. Hopping in his boat, he set sail, sailing after you.

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