Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three: Drunken Wrath oh, and Vivi I guess


It was another peaceful day on the Moby Dick.

The distant chatter of the crew as the sun beamed down from the heavens was all there was as Whitebeard sat watching his sons bicker together with a soft smile. At an early age, Whitebeard had been an orphan. Through his years of growing up, there had been nothing he wanted more than a family.

And he wanted to be family for those who were unfortunate to not have one as well. To the people who had been rejected by their family or the world, or to the people who were lost, Whitebeard accepted them all.

Because everyone deserves something special. They deserved to be loved.

Then on that one fateful day when you fell from the skies, everything had changed. For the better or for the worse, it was hard to tell. You may have been a very good child, but the effects of your actions always caused a rippling effect that haphazardly smacks everyone else in the face. And one of those people happened to be him.

Whatever you decided would concur, everything would go your way. Whitebeard knew you had all his sons whipped for you, especially that darn brat Ace who introduced the two of you in the first place.

There was a bit of hesitance on accepting you on Whitebeard's part. Why shouldn't he be hesitant? There was the fact that you were a weak looking individual. Sure, Ace knew you extremely well, but Whitebeard was more focused on if Ace would beg him to let you join the crew. His concerns were quickly quelled after Ace had complained about you choosing Luffy over him.

Besides, it turns out you were trained by the Admirals themselves, so there wasn't much to worry about. Except for the fact that you screamed every time you saw water, but that was alright.

Whitebeard sighed in exasperation. Now that he thought about it, your wanted poster came in recently. Whether to be worried or proud, the man was a little bit of both. As your (self-proclaimed) grandfather, he was extremely proud that you were on your way towards your dreams. But he was also worried that you may be garnering a little too much attention.

And with the recent development with the Big Mom pirates...

He gritted his teeth a little in frustration. Eyes narrowing up at the sky, Whitebeard felt his mood dampen when Marco came hurtling towards him at full speed. With a swift movement of his wings, Marco righted himself up before standing before his captain with a grim expression on his face.

"Oi, Oyaji. Big Mom just sent in another letter." Marco waved the letter around in the man's face with an irritated expression. "You'd think she'd learn when to give up. Do you want me to throw it out?"

Whitebeard shook his head with a sigh. Grumbling, he stood up from his seat, grabbing the letter from Marco and tearing it open.

Marco could only watch in anticipation as he watched Whitebeard's hands begin to shake in fury. The anger in the man's eyes was intense, like a burning flame filled with hatred. Crumpling it into a ball, he chucked it into the sea.

"That old hag," he growled under his breath. "It's the same as always with her. There's no in between."

"What should we do?" Marco asked with a frown. He tucked his arms together as he anxiously tapped his foot against the floor. "She wouldn't actually try to. That would be too catastrophic."

"Marco. You underestimate that woman." Whitebeard took a long drink of his sake. "She's practically raging war with this."

The pineapple head man sighed, scratching the side of his neck. "Yeah, but I think this is kind of childish. She's been sending these to you for two years now. Don't you think she's eventually just going to get tired of sending these taunts?"

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