Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen: Swords and Talks of Marriage


It was probably only ten minutes of walking with the man (or dragon) named Sage that they made it to an abandoned kingdom, with houses only a fragment of their former glory. Green moss grew everywhere, making the place even more abandoned. Small critters scuttled around, carrying small flowers in their hands (or paws, should he say). Their heads tilted curiously at the Yonko, before scurrying off towards the mountain.

"They're gathering offerings for the dead child of the gods," Sage spoke softly. Shanks turned to look at the taller man. "I'm sure you're familiar with the tale, considering that book in your hands." He watched as Sage approached one of the decaying buildings, placing a hand gingerly on top of the stone.

"This place used to be the Kingdom of Euphoria, home to the land of the Ancient Ones. I'm rather surprised that you found your way here, pirate. This place is not welcome to outsiders." Sage broke out into a sly grin. "Well, most outsiders."

He began to walk down the mossy cobblestone roads, looking back to beckon the yonko with his hand. "There are a few other places I'd like to show you before the main event. You're quite lucky to arrive right before the full moon."

Shanks looked around the ruins of the fallen Kingdom in fascination. It grew even more when he saw that animals all alike would pause to bow down to Sage, then regarding him with a short bow, before scampering off towards the mountains, just like the others. So far, from what Shanks could see, there was not a single living human being alive on the island, though it made sense.

This place was probably abandoned hundreds of years ago, and given that much of the stone was stained, Shanks could only assume they didn't die out pleasantly.

"What happens on the full moon?" Sage didn't look back as he amusedly answered.

"You'll see."

Eventually they walked towards a rather large castle that could rival the one on Kuraigana. Despite being abandoned, it looked a bit too well to not be inhabited, with the only aspect that showed how much time had passed to be the overgrown vines growing along the walls and the wild flowers that grew outside along it.

To Shanks' surprise, Sage did not enter the castle, only turning his heel so that he walked alongside it, towards the forest. Sage walked with confidence, occasionally greeting the woodland creatures as they made their way up the mountain as well. The sunlight barely hit the ground with the thick green canopy from above, and, despite the heat, the air was not humid for it to be uncomfortable.

It was, oddly enough, perfect.

        "This is the place where the rain never comes, only in small sprinkles, and the only terrible weather is the never ending sun

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"This is the place where the rain never comes, only in small sprinkles, and the only terrible weather is the never ending sun."

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