Chapter One

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Chapter One: The Restaurant of the Sea


Heels clicked upon the wooden floor boards as the figure glanced around the bustling restaurant. Your E/c eyes nervously wandered around, noting the lack of waiters, being handled effectively by one particular person. Blond hair and strangely familiar swirly eyebrows... the man was undoubtedly apart of something well known for you to have such a familiar feeling towards it. Exactly what that was was the question. You tensed up, when his eyes gazed into your own, raking down your body near the entryway.

Master had spoken of people like him, men who only want women such as yourself to fulfill their pleasures. You remember how he would scold you about how you should be careful around men, especially when you were constantly surrounded by a certain King, always coming and barging in when you were supposed to be training. At times he would even kidnap you, only to take you out to a nice restaurant or ice cream parlor.

He was certainly fulfilling his pleasures alright.

Whatever, you didn't really care. Besides, your Master didn't even bother answering your questions about what kind of pleasures those people even wanted. King never did anything bad, and you trusted him. He was a good man after all, albeit intimidating with his muscular and lanky structure. And the fact that he could literally destroy a whole island without breaking a sweat.

The waiter that you saw earlier was now before you, eyes turned into large pink hearts, and nose flaring up at the sight of you. You gave him a small, awkward smile. "U-um... hi?" When you've been isolated on an island with minimal social interaction, it's kind of difficult to interact with new people that aren't ones that you know.

"Hello there mademoiselle," he greeted sweetly, a noticeable blush apparent on his face. "Are you waiting for someone?"

"Oh, um. Yes actually," you spoke softly, meeting his eyes. Disappointment crawled within his heart, but Sanji kept up a joyous facade. He didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable. The young man began to guide you around the restaurant to an open seat, glancing back ever so slightly to see if you were following. He made mental notes about you, especially on how quiet and nervous you seemed to be.

Perhaps you haven't talked to much people?

He pulled out a chair, ushering for you to sit. Sanji could feel his heart melt at your grateful smile. Just who were you? He couldn't stop thinking about you, even as he went to serve the other customers, always finding his eyes wandering back towards your relaxed form. You kept your hands on your lap, somewhat hiding the expensive gem engraved bracelets. The giddy smile on your face was enough to make even the coldest of people happy.

You were so radiant. Such an enigma.

His heart throbbed in his chest. This feeling was so different from the other beautiful ladies he'd seen in his life.

Were the two of you meant to be? He shook his head at the thought, pouring wine in the Marine Lieutenant's glass. You were just another female customer who came to his restaurant. You were going to leave soon. And yet a sliver of his heart kept repeating the same words:

Love at first sight.

* * *

The sea was a vast and endless place. And yet somehow, there are those who will always find their way.

Hawk eyes scanned the horizon, slightly unnerved at the fact that he couldn't spot the boat. Worry and dread filled his stomach at the thought of the one person he cared about, drowning in the endless sea. They had to be alright, they had to be.

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