Chapter 12: Barely

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Hope everyone had a great day/afternoon/evening/night!! Enjoyyy~

Rosé POV

We laid our backs onto the visible rubble of the left side of the Kim estate after the ambush. No one was really that injured except for Irene unnie who got a concusion, a broken ankle, and two gunshot wounds. 

The res of us just got a few gunshot wounds on the arm or the leg. Mine was on my left shoulder. I turned my head slightly to the right, "Sorry about the place, Taeyeon unnie."

She laughed wholeheartedly, "Ehhhh. Don't worry about it. I'll deal with Jess on it later." The debris moved as she sat up and looked at all of us on the floor.

"Alright. Up up. Everyone. To the ER!!" She clapped her bloodied hands together.

We all sighed consecutively and sat up, one after the other. Joy and Lisa immediately went to Irene to help her up since she was the most wounded out of the six of us.

She was shot on her right shoulder in the beginning as she pushed me aside when she saw the red laser beam pointed at me. She was immediately shot, again, on her lower right abdomen right after the shot pointed at me.

All six of us ran for cover and immediately returned fire at the men who shot towards each of us. At that point only Irene unnie was shot, Seulgi was calling our phones but none of us could answer since I had left my phone on the meeting table. 

Yeri called out to Joy to answer the call as she covered the gunners that were pointed towards Joy directly. A gunshot barely missed Yeri's shoulder by a few millimeters as she popped up to shoot down the gunmen.

A few words were exchanged briefly between me, Sooyoung and Seulgi, until a few seconds later, the wall opposite of the entrance door, was bombed. Debris of the mansion started to fall onto the ones closest. I didn't notice anyone get caught in the falling debris until I heard Sooyoung yell out to me with he finger pointed towards Irene.

A part of the mansion came crashing down onto her left foot and a small brick sized part of the wall hit her head rendering her unconscious. Before anything else could happen to her, Sooyoung dropped her phone and ran towards Irene unnie. She moved the fallen debris as quick as she could, picked her up bridal style and took her back towards the corner her and Yeri hid at. 

Irene unnie gained consciousness as Sooyoung got to the spot and placed Irene unnie down. Irene unnie weakly grabbed the phone off the floor next to her and yelled painfully towards Seul to get somewhere safe as the ambush continued.

Joy wasn't hurt as bad, only a few scratches from the debris when they bombed the wall opposite of the entrance door and a gunshot wound on her left forearm when she carried Irene to safety.

Lisa was hit on the leg as she ran for cover in the farther corner of the room. Other than that gunshot to her leg, she had no other visible injuries except of a few scratches of close called bullets on the side of her left arm and on her right cheek. 

Yeri and Taeyeon unnie both got shot in the opposite leg as they were running for cover at the beginning of the ambush. Other than that no one else was seriously injured as we quickly took down the gunners and the reinforcements came in and shot down the ones that were in our blind spots. After the whole shoot out was down we all just laid down on the debris in exhaustion. 

then Taeyeon unnie told us to get up and move down to the ER in the basement and now we are all walking down to the basement as Bambam walks with me behind the rest of the girls to give me the run down of what the team on the outside, found. After he was done he looks to Irene who was walking a few steps in front of us with the help of the two earlier. He looks back at me with a worried expression, "What are me and Jackson going to tell Wendy when she see's Irene noona's injuries from today?" 

I sighed as I squeezed my injury slightly, "I don't know anymore, Bambam. We're running out of excuses." We were silent for a few seconds until Bambam continiued the conversation.

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