Chapter 7: Examine

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Apologies for the late update !! ;-;
I really didn't know how to write the next chapter so I apologize for this late update, everyone!! Enjoy~

Jennie's POV

I was still a bit frightened by Irene because of her blood-covered state earlier, but not as much as before. She stayed with me in the room and comforted me after Rosé had left. About 15 minutes passed when we heard gunfire and Irene automatically stepped in front of me, protectively.

I held her right forearm that protectively shielded me from the door. "Can you stand up for me, Jen?" She asked in a whisper.

I nodded my head once and stood up from my spot on the edge of the bed. "Walk back until I stop, ok?" She whispered again.

"O-okay," I whispered.

I followed her request after I walked sideways to avoid bumping into the bed and after 5-6 steps she stopped abruptly, just inches away from the balcony's sliding doors. We waited a few more seconds and heard nothing more after the gunshot and the thud of a falling object.

"Hold my hand and stay behind me. We'll go downstairs. It's a lot more dangerous to keep you up here than taking you with me." She whispered to me and I just nodded in agreement since I didn't wanna be left alone either.

She gave me a quick smile and nodded her head once. We slowly and cautiously walked towards the door and placed our backs to the wall. She quickly opened the door and let it swing on its own. She kept her gun pointed upwards close to her chest.

Silence. We kept moving slowly out the door into the hallway of the second floor. We continued to walk towards the staircase and once she was able to see what was at the bottom of the staircase in the living she hissed and someone quickly said to her, "It's all clear down here Red."

It was Seulgi's voice that called out to Irene. She never let go of my hand as we walked down the steps. Once I got a view of the living room and a view of Rosé's lifeless body on the glass shards of the coffee table, I immediately hid the entire scene from my eyes by placing my head on her shoulder.

"What the hell happened here. Bear. Lilium Scarlet. Report." Irene said in a stern commanding voice.

"We were scouting the area, ma'am," Seulgi said in a serious tone.

"Alcea Rosea came down from the steps and helped us find any other stragglers here." Lisa then followed with the same tone.

"We gave her the report she asked for about Joon and as soon as we finished our report," Seulgi said.

"He stepped out of his hiding place there and gave her a fatal wound in the back of her shoulder," Lisa added.

Before Irene could say anything back to the two who were probably still by Rosé's body I whimpered and called out her name. "I-Irene."

"What is it, Jen? What's wrong? Are you ok?" She asked with worry laced into her voice.

"I-I feel sick," I said feeling like throwing up along with a pounding headache.

She cursed under her breathe and asked where Lisa kept Jisoo unnie. Irene then quickly lead me to where she was, with my head still buried into her right shoulder. She unlocked the door and quickly walked inside. I heard my name from the voice I missed more than my own father.

I let go of her hand and lifted my head from Irene's shoulder. I ran towards Jisoo unnie embrace and just tightened my hold around her. She was one of the only people who made me feel safe.

Irene said in a stern but soft tone, "Stay here until one of us to come back. Keep each other safe. There's a gun in the drawer to your left and any other secret compartment you can find here. Do not leave this room, ok?"

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