Chapter 3: Drop Off

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Jennie's POV

I don't know how this hostage situation turned into a hangout at my apartment place but it did. There was now a woman with a bear mask covering the top half of her face that goes by the name of 'Bear' curtesy of the Leader who called her out earlier. The mask was brown with the same intricate designs as the other masks that the three wore before but the design was outlined with black and filled in with a white finish.

The woman's job was to apparently pack my belongings for me before we arrived at my apartment and she did just that. By the time I opened the door, there was a suitcase filled with my stuff and then a smaller one right next to it while the woman was on my couch using my tv. When I checked the contents of the suitcases, I was surprised by how organized and neat each item was placed.

By far, each and every one of the women I came across were extremely good looking and fit. The only thing that puzzled me was their names. Who the heck names their people by animals, flowers, colors and fruits and matches their masks to the name???? I honestly thought they'd sound more menacing but it does confuse people so I guess it's a plus for them. It helps their opponents underestimate them.

Anyway, I continued to fill up a box with Kai and Kuma's food since we were heading straight to Jisoo unnies place once I finished. I'm gonna have a lot of explaining to do once we're at her place. I looked towards the clock above the countertop separating the kitchen from the living and my eyes widened with realization.

"Jisoo unnie is definitely going to murder me before any of these guys do.." I mumbled under my breath. It was already half past 10 and we were about to drive to her house unannounced with news that she will never expect to hear. Starting from babysitting my two adorable dogs, to introducing my 'girlfriend', to clearing my ENTIRE schedule to who knows how long, because I'm going to be 'spending quality time with my girlfriend'.

I was internally panicking as I finished closing up the box full of their toys and treats while scenarios of Jisoo unnie turning into satan's spawn and temporarily killing me and then reviving me just to kill me again, filled my head. She probably won't go THAT far but I never know with Jisoo unnie.

My thoughts of being scolded and possibly murdered were interrupted by a soothing and unique mid pitched voice that had a small hint of sweetness in it. I was a bit surprised that it was Alcvoice that I heard calling my name.

My thoughts quickly switched over to how unique and soothing her voice was along with her beautiful face. This was not a good idea since the Leader then called out my name a bit louder with her eyebrow raised in question.

"Huh? Uh.. y-yes?" I asked with blush creeping up to my cheeks.

"Done?" She asked with an amused smile on her face.

"U-uh.. uhm.. y-yes.. I uhh t-think so.." I stuttered out which made me blush even more. [Why the heck am I stuttering and blushing so much today?!]

The two had a tiny smile on their face now as they watched my stuttering self. The Leader who I still did not know the name of, stood up with Kuma(?) in her arms and motioned to the suitcases and food box to which Bear understood and soon walked over to. [How long was Kuma with her??? Usually Kuma isn't that friendly with people]

"Make sure to grab your other dog Ms. Kim. Oh and Bear here will be riding with us since she has just informed me that her girlfriend left her at the front of your building with no means of transportation. Bear apparently did something to make her angry and now she won't pick her up." The Leader finished with a smirk directed towards Bear who glared at the latter.

The Leader snickered and opened the door for the said Bear. She then motioned for me to follow with a sway of her head. "She'll get the rest down." She said as she followed after me.

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