Chapter 21: Yes (^^)

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Rosé POV

I've asked her and my heart is racing like crazy. Her answer to my question made my racing heart stop and practically skip a few beats.


I was speechless. I blinked a few times trying to register her answer.

"I actually have a reason why I said no though. Unlike most TV shows and kdramas." She was playing with the blanket in an nervous way.

"Can I hear it?" I was anticipating her answer.

"Ah! Well, uhm.." she took a deep breath. "Before, I would've automatically said yes because then I can be your girlfriend and you would be mine but I recently thought about it more and I think it would be moving too fast. Since we haven't even seen or talked to each other in 3 years and we don't really know that much about each other."

She looked at me with a sad look. "I'm gonna be honest. With everything that I've gone through in the 3 years you decided to go MIA, I don't think saying yes to your question would validate that experience. It would just make me worry about you leaving again and possibly being gone for longer and me having to go through all my episodes all over again."

I smiled at her. I was so glad she was being honest with me. "I understand. A string of apologies won't change the fact that I made you go through so much in those 3 years and I understand that. I would just be invalidating your experience and all the emotions you went through while I was gone by walking back into your life so quickly."

"Hearing your thoughts on it, I don't think I want to see you gaslight yourself into thinking that you would have to stay in a relationship with me if you said yes."

" I am willing to wait until you're ready for as long as you need. I made you wait all these years, I don't think waiting a little longer would hurt me that way it hurt you."

She had a wide smile on her face. She looked so happy. "Thank you. Thank you for understanding, Rosé. I- I just.. it would feel like you'd walking back into my life like none of the three years I went through ever happened a-and..."

She started to tear up trying to explain further. I smiled. She didn't wanna hurt me by saying no but she also didn't wanna hurt herself, again, by saying yes.

I felt like a hug would've crossed the line we just established so I reached to hold her hand. "It's ok, Jen. You don't need to explain any further. I want you to be ready when you are not when I ask. So thank you for telling me this."

She squeezed my hand and I squeezed back. I lifted her hand a tiny bit and looked at her for a sign that I could kiss it. She smiled and nodded her head once. I kissed her hand and caressed it carefully with a content smile on my face.

I may not have gained a girlfriend today but I will someday, once she's ready to accept me in.

We told our little group about our decision and they were more than happy about it as long as we were able to be apart of each others lives again, to them that was all that mattered.

Over the course of the next few months, little by little, we started to get to know each other and become familiar with each others presence again. I still buy her pastries and sometimes she joins me and Hank on our morning or afternoon walks.

We would occasionally hold hands, equally initiated by each of us. I was comfortable enough for her to just grab onto my hand whenever she needed or wanted, but I knew she needed time so I would always remember to ask or give her little eye signals and wait for a nod. I made sure to tell her that she can reach for my hand at anytime as long as she was comfortable in doing so.

The hand holding eventually turned into forehead kisses and hand kisses. And a hug here and there. I wasn't exactly used to the slow process but for her I would get out of that comfort zone.

There were times when she just wanted to be alone but still have me near her so we compromised on what I would do if that happens. I'd be in the room with her, a few feet away, doing my own thing while she does her own thing.

There were also times where she just wanted to be completely alone and I would let her but I wouldn't forget about reassuring her that once she wanted company, I'd be there to be that company. If I wasn't the person she needed at that time, then others reassured her that they would be there as fast as they could.

We wouldn't hang out everyday since I didn't want her to feel like she needed to be near me 24/7. We can see each other at any time and we have our phones at our disposal, so I still wanted her to have a social life outside of our developing relationship. I had a relationship that would be 24/7, 25/8 even and it didn't end well. I would get more irritated with them easier and it felt like I had no space left to myself. It felt suffocating. I don't want Jennie to feel like that so I made sure that she was ok with it before putting it into action.

She started to get more comfortable around me and had started to form a sort of pillar that I really wasn't going anywhere so sometimes she would randomly say, "You don't have to ask to hold my hand anymore, Ro." Followed by her addicting laugh.

And my reply would just be, "I still want to just in case." Followed by and kiss on her hand.

She'd just roll her eyes at me and we would continue on with what we were doing. She would also initiate a lot of the actions more than she did at the start. The occasional hug turned into cuddles on the couch of either one of our houses or just a random hug throughout the day.

Irene unnie and them were itching to say something by the 2nd-3rd month and we both knew what it was. They knew that it wasn't their place to dictate our relationship for us, so we were thankful that they came to terms with us being content with just being around each other with no labels until both of us were ready.

After a while, the hugs, the kisses, and the hand holding became natural to us. I still ask her before doing anything with either a look or I say it straightforward.

I know she sometimes likes the unexpected ones so I started doing those as well.

I was able to get to know her over the course of our little outings and texts. She wasn't just a name, a crush, or even a model to me anymore. She was all of that and so much more.

A/N: aannnddd that's a wrapp folks :P

Lol unless you guys would like a bonus chapter where they actually get together. If not then use thy imaginations dear readers 🤓

Lol thank you all for reading and hope to see y'all in any future stories I write! I currently have 4 drafts and 2 of them don't have a main ship yet sooo if you want one of your ships, that isn't BlackPink, to be the mains in one of them go ahead and comment or feel free to DM me !

Well, until next time~~~~

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