Chapter 11: Chase

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Jennie's POV

"S-seulgi-sshi!" Jisoo grabbed on to the back of my seat as the sudden turn took us both by surprise.

"Sorry! Sorry! Please bare with me" glanced at the rearview mirror then back at the road as she took multiple turns. "That car's been following us since we left the arcade".

I turned my head to look back and saw Jisoo unnie turn as well after we made eye contact. We didn't see a car tailing us until Seulgi spoke up. "There."

Jisoo unnie turned her head and looked towards me with a worried look etched onto her face. "Jennie do you think you could grab my phone and call one of their numbers??" She glanced at me with a smile that seemed to be welcoming but had an eerie undertone to it as I heard the tires screech while she turned another corner.

I nodded my head, surprised by her driving skills but also terrified, and grabbed her phone from the compartment under the center console. She quickly told me the password to her phone without hesitation, as she kept up her speedy driving that somehow still felt a little calm.

I called the first contact name I recognized, which was Irene unnies, and the call was lead straight to voicemail. I started to scrolled down, frantically looking for one of their names, until Seulgi spoke up again, "Uhh I think I should've asked you to go to the emergency contacts so it'd take you less time scrolling."

I heard Jisoo unnie's face palm as I looked at Seulgi with a face screaming "you really should've". I clicked the emergency contacts and thankfully the next name after Irene unnie's was left to ring. Although, Joy didn't answer either. I called each name after Joy's but none of the recipients answered.

I looked to Seulgi, as she kept her cool trying to lose the car behind us. By this time, we were on the highway, overtaking any cars that were in the cars way. "Try calling Sooyoung again. Then Rosé."

"Alright." I skimmed through all the names in the emergency contacts again, hoping that one of the two she told me call back, answers.

I pressed the call button under Sooyoung's name and after the second ring, the call went through. I quickly put the call on speaker and Seulgi was the first to call out to her. "Sooyoung-ah!"

"Seul!" A gunshot rung throughout the car. I flinched as the sound rung loud and clear. "Tell me you guys are safe somewhere!"

Seulgi shook her head from side to side, "Nope! On the highway trying to lose a tailgater!"

Joy cursed and multiple gunshots could be heard over the phone. I saw Jisso unnie slightly flinch hearing the first one fire. "What's happening over there!?" Seulgi overtook multiple cars and took the nearest exit.

"Ambush! Don't worry, Seul. No one is seriously injured! Just a few scratches here and there. We received a tip from an anonymous messenger! We'll tell you more later!" A grunt could be heard after a multitude of gunshots were fired. "Boss!"

The line was silent for a mere few seconds. "Keep those two away from the mansion, Seul!" Irene was the one who yelled out to us instead of Joy before the call went dead.

I looked to Seulgi and saw her flinch at the call cutting out. She slowed down her driving and turned right four times. She glanced at the rearview mirror each turn she took and at the last turn her facial expression loosened.

She drove out onto the main road and we proceeded to drive in silence. After a few minutes passed, Jisoo unnie broke the silence, "Where are we headed, if they told us not to go back?"

Seulgi glanced at her and gave her the signature bear smile that she beared. "A safe house. It's closest to the mansion but it's also the farthest, I think ?" Seulgi shrugged nonchalantly as she continued to drive us to our destination.

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