Chapter 8: Eating

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Before we start I just wanted to thank all of you for 1k reads!!! More information about updates at the end if y'all wanna know the scheduling of the chapters.
Enjoy everyone!

Rosé POV

"Joon! Joon! Look what I found!" I called out as I ran towards my favorite caretaker. We were out in the garden waiting for the time my mom and dad would come home.

He smiled at me sweetly but it wasn't his usual smile. Something was off about his smile today but I didn't pay any attention to it. What would a 10 year old know about smiles anyway?

"What is it, Little miss?" He asked a little too sweetly than usual. He's being really weird today.

"I found a ladybug!! Look! Look!" I showed him excitedly.

He chuckled normally this time. "Such a beautiful ladybug with a the beautiful little miss who found it."

My smile widened towards him as I looked back down to the ladybug. "I'm gonna go put him back now. Do you know when mom and dad are coming home??" I asked with a pout on my lips once I looked at him again.

Before he said anything to me, a dash of sadness appeared on in his eyes filled with sweetness and admiration. With a snap of a finger, the scenery started to disappear and be replaced by darkness.

It quickly spread from my feet all the way to the sky. There was nothing but darkness. I called out to my caretaker but I was greeted by silence and an echo of my voice. I called out again but still the same output. I called out once more and this time I received something more than silence.

I looked around to find the voice of the person who answered. "Little miss," the voice said and I instantly knew that it was really Joon.
[He must have gotten lost just like I did!]

"Joon! Where are you?" I called out almost at the brink of tears.

"Here... little miss.." he answered but his voice started to distort and turn into another's.

"J-Joon??" I said with tears rolling down my cheeks.

Someone suddenly appeared in front of me scaring more tears out of my eyes. He had a slicked back hairstyle with the edge of his bangs covering a part of his forehead. He had a wide smile that lifted his cheeks and almost seemingly forced his eyes to become narrow. His smiled was so sinister as though I was nothing but a play toy to his game.

"Well, hello little miss. I'm Yang Hyun-suk... what's your name?" He said with an awfully sweet tone.

Before I could answer, someone came in bewteen us and protectively covered me from the mysterious man name Hyun-suk. In a quick swift motion, I was suddenly their height and the person in front of me was none other than Kim Jennie.

The whole scene was shown in slow motion. I looked towards Hyun-suk and before I could react to anything but seeing Jennie come in between us, Hyun-suk had already pulled out a gun and shot his only daughter straight through the heart. I called out to Jennie but nothing was leaving my lips.

Then, I was suddenly being pulled back into reality, leaving Jennie lying there with a pained smile directed towards me. She mouth something before I was fully pulled out of this dream turned nightmare.

I awoke with a cold sweat running down my body along with a petrified face as I yelled out Jennie's name one last time. I looked around frantically in the seemingly white room. [H-hospital? No... this looks familiar.]

My hearing finally came to me as I heard another string of my name to the person who was holding down my right arm.

"Rosé," I heard faintly. "Rosé!"

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