Chapter 15: Safety

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Jennie's POV

I helped Rosé with the groceries and once everything was on the kitchen counter I took my ice cream, my drink, and any other chip I could carry with me and ran back to the safety of my room.

I jumped into my bed and dropped all of the snacks. The door opened as I was lifting the blanket and scooting in.

I looked towards the door and it was Jisoo unnie. I smiled and waved at her in an excited manner.

She walked towards me and sat down next to me, "Looks like someone got spoiled tonight."

I stuck out my tongue and offered her some chips. She turned on the TV and put on a kdrama we've recently been binge watching every now and then.

She would strike up a conversation about the scene on the screen every few times. Then I would start up the conversation.

After another episode, Lisa and Rosé joined us on the bed with the other snacks and drinks that were bought that night. At around 1:38 am in the morning, it was nearing the end of the kdrama and Jisoo unnie lightly tapped my arm.

I looked at her and she pointed at the two who had fallen asleep beside us. Lisa who was closest to the door on Jisoo unnie's left and Rosé who was closest to the window on my right.

We both giggled and continued to watch the rest of the drama. After a few more minutes, the kdrama ended and I tried to lift my arms to stretch but I could only lift one because my right arm was held down by the sleeping Rosé. 

I looked at the peaceful expression, completely forgetting about wanting to stretch my body. I felt another light tap on my unoccupied arm and turned to Jisoo unnie with my head tilted.

She whispered with a grin that didn't reach her eyes, "You're falling for her"

My eyes widened as I pointed to myself and in a loud whisper, "Me?!"

She closed her eyes and nodded. I shook my head with my eyebrows furrowed. Our interaction kept going back and forth until Lisa stirred awake next to Jisoo unnie.

She looked at me with arms crossed forming an X and then at Jisoo unnie who was in the middle of whispering back 'Yes you are'.

She thankfully noticed  the sleeping Rosé next to me and whispered to us, "What are you guys arguing about at this time of day? It's about to be 2:30."

Jisoo unnie whispered to her the topic of our exchange and formed an O shape with her mouth in understanding. She slowly sat up and whispered to me with her head on Jisoo unnie's shoulder, "Yes you are."

I placed my left hand over my chest and widened my eyes in offense to her taking Jisoo unnie's side in this argument.

I pointed towards the door, voice still in a whisper, "Out both of you!"

Jisoo unnie stuck her tongue out while Lisa just smiled and followed her out of the room, closing the door behind them.

I sighed and finally laid back down and sunk into the blanket. I may have sighed too loudly since the next thing I know, I was being embraced by the sleeping Rosé next to me.

She sounded sleepy, "Why is Lisa being so loud, so late at night?"

Nervousness started to creep into the pit of my stomach so I shrugged my shoulder instead of answering her. She hummed and seemed to have fallen asleep.

At first I wasn't going to wrap my arms around her torso but having them just lay on my side felt uncomfortable and unnatural. I kept telling myself that she was asleep so she wouldn't know until I finally wrapped my arms around her.

After a few more minutes, my nervousness went away and I slowly started to fall sleep in her arms. That final thought I had before I lost the grasp to my thoughts to sleep was "Do I actually like her?"

Time skip

I woke up to the feeling of an empty bed. I lifted my head, slightly, and looked around the room. Rosé was nowhere to be found which left me with a weird feeling of sadness(?).

I don't know why I felt sad so I laid my head back down and closed my eyes again wanting to succumb to sleep again to get rid of the feeling I had knowing she wasn't there when I woke up.

As I was just laying there on my side, the door opened and the loud voice of Jisoo unnie rang throughout the room, "Wake up sleepy head!"

I groaned and sunk deeper into the blanket as I told her no. She didn't seem to car as she just pulled the blanket off me and gave me a cheeky grin.

"Awwww is Jen Jen grumpy from getting to see her favorite unnie first thing in the morning instead of her." She walked to my left side of the bed and teased me.

"Yah!" I jumped off the bed and chased her out to the living room where everyone else most likely was at.

She almost bumped into someone as she ran off into the living room but luckily she didn't and she proceeded to hide behind Lisa as I was not so lucky and bumped into the person she successfully avoided, Rosé.

"Woaah you ok?" Her face was full of concern.

The feeling from when I woke up ran off and got replaced by a warm feeling of happiness. I surprisingly wasn't as nervous as this morning when I was in her arms. I don't think I felt even a hint of nervousness, just the feeling of content and safety that I got to see her.

I nodded my head with a smile and moved it to the side to glare at Jisoo unnie who was mocking me and making faces at me from behind Lisa.

After our antics, we all had brunch in the living room and watched a movie that Lisa had chosen for us after a game of Rock Paper Scissors.

With how joyful the day started, it didn't seem to have any uneventful life or death situations up it's sleeve. At least I hoped it didn't with how much has happened in the past month, it wouldn't be too much of a surprise to me.

I've almost come to terms with everything that's happened. Especially that day when my father tried to 'save me'. As I kept thinking of that horrid day, my heart started to race while a weird knot was forming in the pit of my stomach. With just the continuous thought of my dad's words, I began to have a cold sweat and everything around me started to blur.

I couldn't hear anything but his words replaying in my mind like a broken record as the feeling of sweat rolled down parts of my face and down my back. My breathing became jagged and as my sight turned pitch black. The scent of strawberries and peaches enveloped my nose and I slowly calmed down.

A/N - I'M FINALLY BACK EVERYONE !!! Writer's block won't stop me this time I hope ( ̄∇ ̄')

Anyway, hope you guy's enjoyed the chapter! I will try to keep the updates fairly close together but don't quote me on that lol. Have a nice evening, day, night, everyone!!

P.S. for those waiting for the second season of Falling in Love - The first chapter is almost done!!! I will try my best to finish up the finishing touches to it and you guys can find the link to it in the Falling in Love story or in my works when you click my name!

Till next time! Rei out :P

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