Chapter 9: Mask Maker

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I'm sorry about the slow updates everyone!! ;-; Why does college apps have to be so complicated ;-;. Anyway, I will try my best to update a but more frequently! I'm sorry if I dont update how I normally do!

Jennie's POV

Seulgi lead both Jisoo and I out of the mansion and into the spacious garage connected to it. She still had a visible pout dashed across her lips that was claimed by Joy herself not too long ago.

As I looked around, bringing my attention to the vehicles in front of us, I was still taken aback by extremely spacious garage lined up with their respective vehicles and others that were already there.

"So which one do you guys wanna take? I think we can take anything but Rosé's red and black mustang and black and pink GT" Seulgi pointed towards the two cars she described. "Oh and also none of the motorcycles. Errands or for special occasions only".

Jisoo and I nodded our heads in awe of how many cars were parked there in a specific way to showcase the style and color scheme of each. Once you walk to a specific vehicle, all of its intricate features and design shine through.

Before Seulgi could mention the GT, my eyes had already wandered towards it the second we rushed into the mansion over 12 hours ago. I walk past the GT and follow Jisoo unnie towards a car that caught her attention.

It was a gold mustang with black stripes running through the middle. Seulgi walked up behind us, "Ah, that's Lisa's. Hm don't think she'll mind getting hers taken."

"Yea, her's is really comfy," Jisoo smiles and walks towards the door of the front passenger seat.

"Alrighty! Lemme go grab her key" Seulgi ran towards the garage door and ran back with out any trouble.

I had no objections so I just nodded my head and waited for Seulgi to unlock the car as soon as she got back. She unlocked the door and we all entered the car, with me seated in the back and Seulgi as our designated driver.

Seulgi started up the car and drove out of the garage onto the road. "So where do you guys wanna go??" She seemed to remember something and turned a corner quickly, "First we gotta go there."

"Huh? Where?" Jisoo scrunched her face in question.

"Our mask maker. We can't let anyone see you out in public now do we?" Seulgi smirked  and looked at both of us through the small mirror in the middle.

She drove for few minutes until she parked to a stop in front of a fairly known mask making store in Seoul. Seulgi turned the car off, asked me for the sun cover that laid by my feet, and once she placed it properly she turned and opened the compartment in the middle of the seats, "Before you guys get off, wear this for me."

She smiled and presented two bandana's and two hand made masks. "To keep your faces hidden. Which one would you like?"

Both Jisoo unnie and I took the hand made masks and placed it over our faces, covering half of our faces. Seulgi then closed the compartment and reached out to the compartment in front of Jisoo unnie's seat. She took out two glasses cases and opened them up. "Which one would you guys like to wear?"

I chose the sunglasses that were in the gentle monster case and Jisoo unnie picked the other. We put on the mask and sunglasses and walked out of the car. We waited for Seulgi near the entrance and then proceeded to follow her in. All she wore were sunglasses and a scarf.

As soon as the door opened, we were greeted by a very grey and white aesthetically pleasing room. Seulgi walked straight up towards the register. She greeted the woman there, with a smile, "Sunny unnie!!"

"Yah! Well, if it isn't one of my favorite youngsters! Seulgi! What do you need?" Sunny greeted back with the same energy.

"Ah well I'm gonna need 2 new masks, please unnie. HO masks." Seulgi continued her smile as she leaned on the counter.

"Ahhh. Okk okk. Gotcha" Sunny winks and waved us to follow her into the back.

Jisoo unnie and I just looked at each other in confusion as Seulgi smiled at us. "Let's go."

We complied and followed her into the back. The woman named Sunny waited for us at the door. We walked past the door and she closed it gently. "Alright. We will start with Ms. Kim." Sunny gestured to me.

I looked to Jisoo unnie with a dash of worry in my eyes and then to Sunny. She gestured for me to take off the mask and sunglasses and I did just that. She nodded her head in an approving manner.

"Wow. No wonder your boss stans this girl. She's beautiful face to face" Sunny placed her thumb on my chin and the side of her pointer on the underside and moved my face from side to side.

My eyes flickered at the statement I heard. "She... stans me???" My eyebrow shooting straight up in a questioning manner.

"Yea, she has all these pos-" Seulgi ran up next to us and placed her arm over her shoulder before Sunny could answer my impending question.

"Ah. Ah. S-sunny unnie!" Seulgi laughed awkwardly, "She definitely doesn't have any posters of her, right. Right."

Sunny unnie just looked at her weird and face palmed right after her statement. "Irene and Wendy were right. You are bad at keeping things from people and stopping people from revealing things."

Seulgi put her hands up in defense, "At least I don't reveal anything about her hook ups!"

Jisoo and I looked at each other in confusion while Sunny unnie face palmed for the second time. "Let's just go make their masks." Sunny unnie smiled and then got to work.

She got my measurements pretty quickly and jot them down. After she finished writing down little notes, she waved in Jisoo unnie and got her measurements. Once all of hers were on paper, Sunny unnie then questioned us on what design we wanted on the mask.

"Alright. There's that. Now what about the other mask, would you guys like a specific place cut off like how Seulgi's is cut off on the bottom, or some sort of cut at the top. How would you guys like it." She looked up at us after finishing up her notes about the design me described.

"Wait... what??" Jisoo unnie and I spoke out.

"What? You get two masks. The one you use for when you guys are out and about, and then the one for when you guys needs to be uhh lets just say moved." Sunny unnie explained.

We both just slowly nodded our heads with her explanation. We gave her our take on what we'd want ours to be and as soon as she wrote the everything she brushed us off. Kicking us out of her work shop.

We all just stand there looking at each other. "Welp, the ones I gave you guys will be fine." Seulgi looked at her watch, "Les go. We still have enough time to go to the arcade and then we can go to my favorite cafe and wait for their call!"

Jisoo unnie and I put on the mask and just looked at each other, amused by our escorts enthusiasm. How the hell did this bubble person get into such a fierce mafia??? I thought as I entered the car.

We drove off towards the arcade and wherever else Seulgi drove to. As we were nearing the arcade something ticked Seulgi's instincts and she took a right instead of continuing on the road.

A/N: Annd thats the chapter! I hope you all enjoyed, not exactly satisfied with the chapter since it's more of a filler type rn but it is finished!
Haha a little present for you guys since it's my birthday today! Lol I hope everyone has a fantastic day!! Until next time everyone!!!
Rei out!

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