Chapter 2: Back

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Thank you all for the comments on the first chapter! It made me extremely happy to know that you all are liking the story so far!! The updates to this story will be every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday! So please look forward to it!! Enjoy everyone!!

*BTW this is a flashback!*

Rosé POV

Today was such a nice day. I woke up to my mother beside my bed carefully shaking me awake while my father cooked us an amazing breakfast downstairs with the help of Caretaker Joon. Mother helped me get ready for the day and we both walked down the stairs together towards the kitchen where the smell of delicious food wafted from.

After our delicious breakfast, mother and father had to leave for a very important meeting with the Bae's and Manoban's. Before they left, mother mentioned that they were going to come over for dinner along with their kids that were around my age so I was very excited for that since I didn't have many friends to begin with. All I had were Caretaker Joon and the rest of the caretakers of the household.

Caretaker Joon helped me with my homework and we took a little food break around lunchtime. We had already finished most of my work so we both decided to do something fun for the rest of the day until my parents got home. The game we settled for was hide and seek along with the rest of the family caretakers.

As I was trying to find a hiding spot somewhere in the backyard, I accidentally trampled over my mother's prized flowers. She was going to kill me after she found out that I had squashed her flowers.

I tried to fix them as best I could but to no avail, it did not work and by the time I had given up on trying to fix them, Caretaker Joon had already found me. Although, he didn't seem too happy to be calling my name.

"Rosé... come here little ms." He said with a very saddened tone.

"I'm sorry Caretaker Joon!," I said bowing my head with my palms pressed against each other. "I-I wasn't looking at where I was going an-"

"Ch-Chae.." He said as he choked on his words with tears brimming his eyes. He couldn't finish my name as the tears trickled down his cheeks.

"Caretaker Joon! W-what is it??? Did something happen?? Why are you crying??" I asked frantically since Caretaker Joon was one of the only caretakers who rarely cried in front of us.

I looked around in a panic to find anyone else to help me calm him down or at least help me put him at ease but as I did, every other caretaker in the entire house was standing behind him with a solemn look on their faces. They all avoided my eye contact as I looked at every single one of them.

All Caretaker Joon did was look at me once my eyes had settled back into his. I could only fear for the worst as his lips started to move and his voice began to come out croaky and shaky.

"Mr. and Mrs. Park have... passed." He said with a shaky and grieving tone.

With the last word rolling out of his lips, my legs gave up and next thing I know, I was looking at ground wide-eyed. It felt like the life was being sucked out of me as the words he just uttered sank into my very being.

My eyes started to water as I continued to look at the ground lifelessly. I finally noticed the mourning atmosphere in the household. The tears just kept dropping as I blinked and blinked. In a matter of seconds, the gravel beneath me was soaked with the tears dropping from my eyes.

Everything felt surreal at that moment in time. Everything after those few words were uttered, felt like the trees that passed as the car drove by on the side of the road. It left as quickly as it came but the feeling and thought of it stayed for the long run. The atmosphere of the entire household felt heavy as the days passed and the funeral procession came racing towards us. I spent every waking moment with a cold, solemn look and a heavy heart as it came closer and closer.

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