Chapter 19: No...

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Idk how but my brain is working this week  ('◇')?
Enjoy the chapter medleys lol

Rosé POV

It's been a few weeks since I started going to the café right by her company. Hank loved the café's dog friendly treats so much that we would always stop by during our morning and afternoon walks.

I knew she was a regular at the café in the early morning so I was nervous when I first came in. I immediately saw her sitting by the floor-to-ceiling windows. She looked so deep into thought every time I came by which I was thankful for since she didn't seem to notice me.

I stopped wearing my mask whenever I walked to the café in the morning since she really did not notice me. Until I bought her that pastry one morning after going for almost a month now.

My chin was resting on the palm of my hands as I watched the worker hand her the pastry. Suddenly, the two were talking and the workers hand lifted up to point at me. I immediately turned my head to the side and looked down at my phone that was thankfully in my other hand.

I really hoped she didn't see me that day and I was right. She didn't move from her spot and just ate the pastry. I got to see the smile I've missed for the past three years.

I bought her pastries at least 3 times a week after that just to see her smile when it showed up. I learned my lesson the first time and wore a baseball cap every morning I came by. I know I should've stopped there, since she probably wants to thank me for all the free pastries but I couldn't stop. Not when I got see her smile.

Today, I bought her another pastry and seeing her smile made my day bright. There was a time where she almost got the chance to thank me but thankfully the universe was on my side that day and she got blocked by a cute elderly couple needing help with a camera.

After that time, I made sure to leave right after I saw her smile. I gathered the paper bag full of pastries and dog pastries and headed out of the café.

I took the longer route to go home this time around and arrived after 25-30 minutes or so.

I let Hank loose and hung up my cap by the door. I took off my shoes and walked to my couch, placing the bag on the counter top and then plopping myself down onto the cushions.

I closed my eyes and suddenly I heard the door unlocking. I lifted my head and Lisa walked in with Irene.

"Wakey wakey~~~" Lisa practically skipped over to me.

I brought my head down and groaned. "I am awake."

"Mhhmm" Irene hummed and started to rummage through the pastry bag. "Careful. You might eat Hanks pastry treats."

"I was about to bite down geez. Which one's which?" Irene sounded relieved.

I sighed and sat up to turn my body and get off the couch. I walked to the counter and took out everything. I separated all the pastries and even gave a bit of Hanks pastry to him.

Lisa grabbed a pastry that she loved and ran to the couch. "Hey. Hey. Be careful. That's apart of Ikea's new limited edition collections from this year."

She dismissed my words with a wave and began to eat her pastry while turning on the TV.

Irene grabbed her pastry and sat at the last seat closest to the living room area. Before she took a bit she looked at me. "So when you gonna show yourself to her."

I was about to grab my pastry when I stopped mid way. I looked at her. "You know why I can't."

She rolled her eyes, chewing on the pastry. "I THINK YOUR REASON IS STUPID."

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