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Just in case it wasn't clear before: Yeonjun is about 25 in this, and Jinah is about 23/24. Yeji and Lia are the same age as her and the other girls would be how they are irl, but older. Still, the same age order if that makes sense. Also, Minghao would be around the age of 26 and 24. I haven't decided yet.

 I haven't decided yet

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I shoot up in my bed. My heart pounding rapidly into my ribcage. My lungs burning in desperate need of air. My eyes roam frantically around my room. Nothing. It's the same as before... My shoulders drop in disappointment. So it was all a dream. The kiss. Him asking me. It was all a dream. Throwing the blankets off my legs. I look down at my clothing and notice I'm still in the clothing from the New Years' party that I dreamed Yeonjun was at. Meaning the party happened, he just wasn't there.

Coming out of the bathroom in a fresh pair of clothes makes me think the day might get a little better. I look in my vanity mirror and smile at my features. My hand out of instinct comes up and touches my lips. For some reason, I keep thinking about the dream, and the more I think the more it becomes real. But it isn't real. None of that stuff with Yeonjun happened. He wasn't here and you're stupid to think he was. Maybe if I slap my face like Kevin does in Home Alone, it'll snap me back into reality. .The sound of my skin connecting with skin vibrates my ears. It surely didn't wake me up. But now my face is all red. Just, great.

I smile at Yeji as I pass her in the kitchen. She looks up at me with a triumphant smile before flipping the egg in the pan. The yolk breaks but she doesn't care and looks back at me with her eyebrows raised.

"Well...?" She drags out a little too long. I look at her confused. What is she trying to get out of me? Did I drink last night and do something stupid? Oh no... did I strip and do something stupid?! Oh no, no, no...

"Well, what?" I ask as I pour myself a glass of water. I bring the glass up to my lips and slowly gulp the water down. The water attempts to coat every dry part of my mouth and throat as it slowly makes its way down.

"Well, what did you and Mr. Choi do in your room last night?" She winks. Water shoots out of my nose and I start choking on the remaining water. I grip the counter for support so I don't go crashing to the hard ground. I blink away the tears in my eyes the accumulated in my eyes from choking. I look up at her from my glossy eyes.

"What did you say?" I choke out while gasping for more oxygen. She rolls her eyes. Wow, not even gonna help her suffocating friend? Nice.

"I asked what you and Mr. Choi did last night after I locked you in your room with him." She says while taking her eggs off the pan and placing them on a plate. "Did y'all smooch?" My eyes widen.

"So it wasn't a dream...?" I say slowly while looking at her. Her eyebrows knit together in confusion before they shoot straight up to her hairline.

"You thought you dreamed of him being here?" She asks while placing her plate and glass juice on the table. I slowly nod my head. She looks at me a bit longer to see if I'm lying before sitting down on the stool. She chuckles before continuing. "It was definitely not a dream. You basically flirted with him the entire night. Then you fell asleep on the couch around 2 AM. He picked you up and carried you to your bed. It was so cute watching as you snuggled into his arms when he picked you up. And the way he looked at you made me wish I wasn't so single." She pouts after saying all the confirmation I needed to know. So him asking me on a date was real. I didn't dream of it...

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