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Yeji is laughing her butt off while Ryujin and Lia look at me with shocked expressions. I sigh while burying my head in my hands. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look out from beneath my hands and see Ryujin with a soft expression.

"So let me get this correct," Lia pauses "Your boss called you Kitten? And you're somewhat ok with it?" She asks. I groan while falling back into my mattress.

"Yes, he called me Kitten. And I'm not ok with it, but I'm also not against it. Ugh, I don't know anymore." I admit. "Mr. Choi is a very... attractive man. I'll admit that. But that's all I'm admitting. Cause he's my boss, and it's weird to think about him in any... provocatively creepy way."

"Doesn't mean you can't glance at him from time to time. There's nothing wrong with that." Lia says.

"Just don't do anything stupid, Jinah," Ryujin says. I nod while pouting.

"Jinah is prone to do stupid things, it's in her blood," Yeji says, finally stopping her bursts of laughter and giggles.

"I am prone to do stupid things. I mean look, I moved in with you, Yeji." I say with a big smile. She scoffs before grinning.

"Idiots," Lia says before getting up from the bed at the sound of the doorbell ringing. "I'm gonna get the pizza," She says while walking out of my room.


I groan while rubbing my stomach. Why do I punish myself with the delicious dairy product: cheese. I mean I'm lactose, and yet that just makes me want dairy even more than before. It's like I crave it.

A knock on my door catches my attention. I sit up and dangle my legs off the bed before speaking.

"Come in," I say. The clicks open, Yuna walks in with a soft smile.

"Ryujin told me about the events you went through today. Did your boss actually call you Kitten?" I nod my head before falling back into my pillows.

"The thing is, I'm not even creeped out about it. I mean I was at first. But now..." I sigh halfway through the sentence. "Now I just don't know."

"Well if it ever makes you feel uncomfortable, you can always quit. Any company would be lucky to have you, Jinah." I shrug before lying my head on Yuna's shoulder.

Yuna begins to tell me about her encounter with a crazy lady who thought that snakes were in her bowl of ramen. The lady, I guess, threw the bowl on the ground, screaming that there are snakes in her bowl. Yuna and Jeongin had to escort her out of the restaurant.

Yuna works at a restaurant co-owned by Christopher Bang. I've met Chris a few times; he's an extremely talented music producer and a super nice guy. He and his fiancé bought the building to pursue her dreams of owning a restaurant. Chris said he would co-sign. They weren't dating at the time, but it eventually bloomed into something beautiful. His fiancés name is Lexie Oh, an Australian native-like Chris.

Kitten [] Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now