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I walk into the apartment with a pounding headache

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I walk into the apartment with a pounding headache. The bed seems like such a beautiful place. But I know if I fall asleep now that I'll end up waking up at like 10 PM and not being able to go back to sleep which wouldn't be good considering I have work tomorrow. Sliding off my shoes feel like heaven. I really shouldn't have worn the boots that had a little heal.

Groaning; I walk into the living room and plop on the couch next to Ryujin. My head falls on her shoulder. She glances at me before returning her focus to her phone. I peak at her phone. I raise my eyebrow not being able to see her phone clearly.

"What yuh watchin'?" I ask while scooting closer to her. She yawns while tilting her phone for me to see.

"Felix sent me a routine to practice for our debut show." She says with a smile. I smirk. She's got such a strong crush on Felix. It's adorable, honestly. Felix is a year older than Ryu. He's an amazing dancer. He's actually in the Stray Kids circle. A group of guys who love performing and singing. His voice is not something I would want to hear in a haunted house though.

"Oh. Felix." I wink with a smirk. She pushes me off the couch with all her strength that she keeps hidden. I fall to the ground with a bang. I laugh the entire time as I lay on the ground rubbing my now sore butt.

"Felix is a friend." She levels out. I chuckle.

"For now," I whisper before heading to the kitchen to grab a fruit snack. I walk back into the living room and sit a cushion away from her. She notices me keeping a distance and laughs. "No, but seriously, Ryu. When you gonna ask him out? Felix is a sweet kid. Super polite. And extremely talented in everything. You'd make a cute couple. It would be a cute x strength couple." I smile. She rolls her eyes.

"Let me guess: he's the strength and I'm the cute?" She asks while popping a grape into her mouth. I snort while shaking my head.

"You would be the strength. Felix is cuter than you." I state. She glares at me before later agreeing with me. "His jawline is a knife superglued to his face." Ryujin chuckles.

"He does have a pretty nice jawline," She admits while fiddling with her shirt. Nervous Ryu is so weird to see.

We fall into a comfortable silence. The only sound is the music coming from Ryu's phone. Ms. Delicate by Baek Yerin filling in the space. She's such an amazing artist. Suddenly something from earlier pops into my head. I look up at Ryujin.

"Hey, Ryu? Have you happen to have heard the names: Mark, Lucas, Xiaojun, Hendery, Yunho, Yeosang, San, Mingi, and Wooyoung?" She shakes her head while shrugging.

"Try asking Yuna." She says while gesturing her head towards Yuna's closed door. I get up and walk to her door. I knock and wait for an answer. A faint "come in" comes from the other side of the door. I put my hand on the handle and slowly open the door. Yuna looks up from her torture- I mean homework. She raises her brow questioningly.

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