Its been a long time, but its finally here 😈

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Imma be honest *scratches head* I forgot about the bonus chapter 👩‍🦯👩‍🦯👩‍🦯 I had started writing it at one point then my laptop literally said "I don't think so *kicked me out*"

But finally, I uhm, smut? Idk first time with the Irish jig 🤓 Ig? Woooooo, I'm stalling. Imma keep this short probably

Smut is hard and your girl is well, not a pro iykyk 😐😑😐 but new year new me, or whatever the saying is *sips water*

Oh wait, if you are a minor (not even, I'd say like under 14) then buzz away little bee. When you learn about the birds and bees than I'll allow you to return. Anywho


His hands circle my waist as he backs me into the shut door. The only sounds filling the silent space is our labored breaths.

His mouth explores the column of my exposed neck as I run my hands over his clothed shoulders. The material scratchy against my skin. Slowly moving them to his front, I begin working my way down his torso, the buttons popping with ease.

I feel his mouth tilt into a smile when I finally get his dress shirt open and flatten my jittery palms against his firm abdomen. The thin layer of his tank is the only burrier left between my palms and his bare skin. The ache I feel to touch him is unbearable even.

His hands slide under my shirt, his hands spaying over my ribs, just under my bra. Goosebumps spread like wildfire over my fevered skin as he traces and lightly squeezes my body beneath his hands.

Slowly he trails open mouthed kisses up my neck, to my jaw, then finally to my lips. The taste of him on my lips is euphoric, mind boggling. My brain seems to take a backseat as his tongue swipes across my lips, begging for much needed entrance, in which I allow.
Our mouths work in rhythm with each other, our tongues tangling with need.

Pushing his dress shirt off his shoulders, it crumbles to the ground like a soft cloud. His bare shoulders are warm to the touch, goosebumps literally his skin in the wake of my touch. He shivers in my hold as I run my fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck before running them up his scalp to pull his face even closer to mine, deepening our already deep kiss.

A soft whimper falls from his lips as my fingertips scratch gently through his hair. His body pressing further into mine so that I feel every ridge, dip, and curve of him against me. A deep ache blooms in my core as he tugs my bottom lip between his teeth.

Within a second my shirt is discarded onto the floor, leaving me in a nude bra and simple black slacks. His feverish eyes roam over my pink tinged skin, his bottom lip disappearing between his teeth.

"Kitten, love, you look absolutely stunning standing in front of me like this," he breaths before tugging the tank over his head and tossing it away. My eyes trace over every part of his exposed skin, taking in all the detail of his milky skin. "I can't wait to strip you completely bare so that I may consume every inch of your whole self."

Without another word spoken, he's right in front of me again, his hands dropping to the backs of my thighs and hoisting me up to wrap my legs around him. Even through the material of my slacks, I can feel him against me. Heart rushes through my body at the friction between us as he walks me over to his desk, setting me down onto the hard surface.

His face is hovering above mine, mere inches away. His eyes are deep pulls of dark chocolate, waiting for me to dive into, and I'm so close from leaping off the board into their depths.

Kitten [] Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now