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Surprise update, moa's, multis, and others 😙✌️

Jinah sat there in complete silence with the little light from outside coming into the room and keeping her company

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Jinah sat there in complete silence with the little light from outside coming into the room and keeping her company. She hates it the most when the night arrives. Falling asleep only gives her false hope in her dreams. But by morning she's too exhausted to think. The beatings they give her during the day are the only reason she doesn't sleep. Her body feels as if it's forcing her to stay awake and endure it.

When they kick her she screams in pain as her ribs had been broken after the first beating. She's not sure how loud she screams, but it has to be pretty loud for them to tell her to be quiet and not scream. If she doesn't listen they just continue to beat on her harder. So much harder that her screams seem to stop; as if they are as well too tired and exhausted to scream in pain.

Knowing her daily beating is coming, she sits in wait for the numbing pain to get worse. Her tears had stopped that night where she first thought she was saved from this horrid place. Having no need for tears, she just screams as they kick and punch her, even when the knife slices her skin, nothing, no tears, just screams. She screams until she can't.

The door swings wide open and they both walk in. A plate with moldy bread is placed in front of her and a cup of water that she knows was probably scooped out of some disgusting toilet is placed in front of her. They only feel the need to feed her once every other day. Jinah shyly grabs the bread and shoves a small piece in her mouth. Gagging a bit as the mold touches her tongue. Still, she continues to eat the slice of bread.

After finishing off the food she looks up at them and asks. "How do you guys know each other? Besides work." Jinah asks with a hoarse voice. Misuk looks back at Mr. Oh and smiles brightly before turning back towards Jinah.

"He's my dad," Misuk says. Jinah could have sworn Yeonjun told her that Misuk's parents died in a car accident. "I thought your parents died in a car accident?" Jinah asks with confusion lacing her words. Misuk snorts. "They did: My mom and stepfather died in that car accident. He-" She stops and points back to Mr. Oh. "He's my biological dad. My slut of a mother cheated on him with my stepfather. They divorced and my mom got custody over me. Even though I wanted to live with my dad. The stupid judge said that my dad was unfit to take care of a little girl. She said he wasn't stable. She was stupid for saying that." Misuk says while gritting her teeth.

Jinah's mind slowly started connecting the dots. Misuk suffers from something she witnessed from her dad. Misuk's mother never cheated, but her father believed she did. When Misuk's mom realized what was happening she tried getting her daughter away from him; divorce being the only way. Somewhere in there, she met Misuk's stepdad. Mr. Oh probably thought she was cheating on him the entire time since he had thought she was cheating.

She never cheated once. She was wrongfully accused of something she didn't do. Misuk believed her dad's words and ultimately ended up hating her mom and stepdad. The more time Jinah spent around the two, the more she realized that they might be suffering from something mentally, being that all this really isn't their fault. They truly believe the things their mind is forcing them to believe.

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