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“Come on Blue you can do better than that!” Robin Hood teased.

Yes the Robin Hood! And my name is Elizabeth Scarlet but really I’m the Blue Fairy! Yes the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio and yeah I did technically turn him into a real boy in the 8th grade but that was only as a project to see who in the class could actually do it! But I am not some old lady! I’m a 17 year old girl and I go to Legend High School.

Besides I don’t just belong to the story of Pinocchio I’m the greatest legend there is. Not to sound cocky but I am I control all the other legends. I am the chief chick in charge of everybody.

Here’s how it works Legend High is just like any other school we go to classes and all that. We have official school uniforms with vests, ties, jackets, and skirts, we have dorms being a boarding school for 6th through 12th graders, we have school lunches, and mounds of homework every night. Except when we get to our Senior year they give us our Legends the ones we will follow the rest of our lives based on our skills that the principles observe in us. And every generation they choose one person to be the person in charge of that generation of legends. And hey lucky me I got chosen. And well it makes sense my mom was hers and my grandma was hers. I come from a long line of leaders. No pressure or anything.

I mean usual I hate the spotlight I don’t like it at all, but unfortunately I have to do it. I have to be the big shot person in charge with all the attention on me. And I can handle it…I hope.

Anyway you would think that looking at our school with its manicured lawn and iron fences and the size of it being a mansion that we were nothing but a rich boarding school who accepted nothing less than snootiest of kids and that we were nothing special but that’s kind of the point. If you ever walk on the inside you would realize just how special we really are. 

So yeah my boyfriend is the Robin Hood. My best friend is the Little Red Riding Hood. Yeah I have a thing for hoods so what? And my worst enemy is the Bloody Mary. Then I am friends with the Jack Frost, Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Chris Cringle, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, etc. 

So that’s how Robin and I ended up in the gym (which in this school is a giant training ground equipped with swords, guns, arrows, magic wands for the spell casters, weights, mats, punching bags, everything a growing girl needs to be totally badass) trying to pin the other down, “Why don’t you actually try Rob!”

“I can’t hit my girlfriend with an arrow Blue!” he is the only one I let call me that. In reality I hate being the Blue Fairy! I wish I had a normal life and a normal family. One that doesn’t call me every day to remind me that I better be at the top of my class, and be the best leader the school has ever seen. On and on and on. And it just never stops.

“You’ll actually have to keep up with me to do that!” I called swinging from the ceiling.

“Be careful Liz!”

“I’m fine.” I smiled I did this all the time. I liked being able to run around where people can’t get to me where I can be on my own with nobody putting pressure on me to live up to my family name all the time.

“Come on Robin try and hit me!” I challenged leaning against one of the beams and looking down at him. I really did love him with his short brown hair that kept getting in his eyes every now and again, his greyish blue eyes, his strong muscles, and he was such a sweetheart on top of all that. One of the greatest guys I’ve ever met and well, being royalty didn’t hurt in the way of being the perfect gentleman.

“Alright.” He chuckled.

We fought. Him shooting rubber arrows at me, they don’t kill but they give you a nasty bruise the next day, and me trying to shoot spells his way. I swear he kept missing me on purpose cause I know he’s an amazing shot. He’s Robin Hood for god’s sake!

“Come on Rob actually try!” I laughed running from beam from beam.

“I am trying Blue!” he said while an arrow went whizzing by me.

“If you say so!” I teased doing a flip over a pipe attached to the ceiling a couple times then letting go and then landing on a nearby support beam just to show off a little.

We kept going on like that for what felt like forever. Teasing each other and kind of fighting each other at that same time. I eventually got lucky enough to get a binding spell to actually hit him. He froze on the spot and I knew I got him, “I win!” I panted leaning against a beam again.

“Alright fine.” He sighed rolling his eyes at me, “Come down now alright?”

“Okay. I’m ready to go back to my room now anyway.”   

“Just be careful up there okay Lizzie. I’m serious.”

“I’m fine Hood!” I called but that was before I accidently slipped. Now I’ve been running through those ceiling beams since I was in 7th grade and I could actually climb up here. I never fall…ever. But flailing through the air, the sound of me screaming, and the feeling in the pit of my stomach you get when you suddenly just fall was proving me wrong.

“Lizzie!” I swear I heard Robin scream.

Well this sucks…at least if I die then I won’t have to be the one to tell my mom that I was clumsy enough to fall from the ceiling. She hates clumsiness.     


So that was the prologue. 

Hope you guys like the idea so far. If not or if you do maybe shoot me a comment to tell me what ya think cause I love getting comments from you guys. So anyway thanks for reading the 1st chapter will be up soon. And sorry the prolouge was kind of uneventful but it takes a little bit to build the story up and how could I start it with her just waking up with no memory and not let ya'll know how it happened.

But on a different note Happy Holidays! Hope everyone out there have a good holidays with their family and friends. 

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