Chapter 15 ~ New Found Trust

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So you guys completed the challenge! That's awesome, so here is the next chapter for ya!


My mother wanted to talk to me.

Apparently she wanted to talk about how my visit went at Legend High yesterday and if I remember something. Why we couldn’t just do that on the phone I don’t know. But since I heard that conversation between her and the principals I knew that this little rouse to go see her was a lie. She was just doing what the principals told her to do. And I get that I just wished she would just straight up tell me instead of lie, but I guess I would have to deal with it.

Either way though that’s how I ended up at my mother’s front doorstep on a Saturday morning, knocking on her door and waiting for her to open up. When the door got pulled open standing before was, despite the clichés, and older version of me. Same brown hair and golden brown eyes, of course she was a little bit shorter than me but not by much. Though when my mother saw me she just smiled that smile that all mothers seem to have and welcomed me in with open arms.

“Hello Sweetheart. How are you doing today?”

I smiled back as she closed the door behind me, “I’m good.”

We both turned to face each other and I had to say my mother did look a little disheveled than usual. I guess when you have an entire school’s school board on your back to fix everything it will do that to you. Tell me again why being the Blue Fairy is such an amazing and honorable position to have again? I mean from what I can see it’s a pretty stressful life style if my mother is anything to go by.

“Sweetheart?” my mother called like she had been saying it for a while.

I shook my head clearing my thoughts, “Yeah?”

“I asked if you would like something to drink?” said before sighing and shaking her head at me, “I mean honestly Sweetheart how can you expect to be a good hostess if you space out and day dream like you do.”

“I’m sorry mom, but no I don’t need anything to drink.”

She smiled politely at that before ushering me into the living room. I swear I felt like I was getting sent to the principal’s office or something because I did something bad. But I know I didn’t, so why all the tension? What on earth does my mom have to say to me?

Once we both sat down we stared at each other for a moment but my mother still had the beaming smile on her face, “So…how was your day back at Legend High yesterday?”

“It was fun. I liked seeing all my friends again after all this time.” I said politely. I swear I felt like that’s all I could be with my mother. Proper and polite, the perfect child and nothing less than that and I hated it. It just didn’t feel like I was being myself with her, and isn’t your mother supposed to be the one person you can be yourself around no matter what?

Though at my statement she frowned, “I see, so you didn’t remember anything important.”

“Well that depends on what you consider important.”

At this her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, “Really? What did you remember?”

“I remember the class work I took there and a few other snippets of stuff like how to run through the obstacle course.” I said excitedly, I mean I actually remembered stuff sure it wasn’t important but it was something.

Except my mother didn’t share the same opinion as me and started frowning again, “That’s not considered important Sweetheart.”

“It’s important to me mom. I mean I remembered something, that’s a good thing!” I tried to reason but she wasn’t listening.

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