Chapter 5 ~ Cooking in the Kitchen

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I ended up waking up late again…I really need to get a new battery for that alarm clock or something or start using my phone’s alarm app but that thing sucks up my battery like I wouldn’t believe. 

Last night me and Stacy after a very long time spent trying to help come up with strategies to get Leo to lose interest in me and the only good plan was Stacy’s to just ignore him and his efforts we actually did our homework, in amazing speed I might add, before she gathered up all her stuff and went home. We talked about other stuff to though like Robin, how I liked our school so far, she did ask questions that I couldn’t answer cause I couldn’t remember them, I even told her about my amnesia problem. She was actually surprisingly very okay with it. I know it’s not like a life threatening disease to have amnesia but it’s very hard to actually have it. She sympathized with me and I appreciated it. She also promised not to tell anyone I didn’t want anybody treating me differently. I already had enough people looking at me different because of it and I hated it I don’t need anymore. 

I ended up lying down in my bed all night just reeling with possibilities on how to avoid Leo as much as possible. So I lied there awake all night and I don’t even remember falling asleep. But when I finally wake up I see I’m late and my alarm didn’t even go off! 

So here I am walking to school in a rush and dead tired! And it must have been my sleepy brain because I didn’t even realize a car pulling up next to me until its engine accelerated and gave me a start. 

I looked over and I saw a very nice, very expensive black car right next to me and in the driver’s seat sure enough there was Leo smiling that golden boy smile at me. Great, “Hey Scar.”

“What do you want Leo?” I groaned starting walk on and he crept his car along right beside me. I do not have time for this!

“I’m offering a pretty girl a ride to school.” 

Just ignore him! Just ignore him, “Go away Leo I’m perfectly fine walking to school.”

“Well you’re gonna be late if you don’t get in.” he gladly pointed out.

“No I’m gonna be late because you’re pestering me and slowing me down.” I growled. 

“Well I’ll stop pestering when you get in the car.”

“I said no Leo, or do you not understand the meaning of the word? I mean it’s real simple it’s only two little letters.” 

His smile went flat and his jaw went all tight, “Get in the car Scar.” 

“I said no.” 

“You know I’m trying to be civil here. And you said that you would go along with it if I made you notice.”

“Well obviously you aren’t doing a good enough job then are you?” I sneered and continued walking, but he just kept on driving next to me. 

“Come on Scar please. Just give me a shot.”

“Get this through your head Leo I have a boyfriend, and there is zero and I mean zero chance of you getting with me. The only reason I said that stuff about being civil to have a chance is because I didn’t want to deal with your stupid flirting. So for the last time….” I didn’t get to finish that sentence because my eyes rolled into the back of my head and everything went black.

God why could I find this stupid classroom! I swear I could never find anything to save my life. I mean how hard is it to find a stupid classroom!? I’ve been going to this school for a year already and you would think I could my classes by now but nope I’m destined to always be lost and wondering the halls. 

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