Chapter 12 ~ Thanks for the Football?

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Well it’s been a week which means that Leo is off of his so called probation of talking to me. Which surprisingly he did with no trouble at all, but I thought the second that the week was up he would be at my locker talking and attempting to flirt with me right away. Except, he didn’t, he kept his distance. So I guess he was really taking this not taking me away from Robin thing seriously. Either that or he is planning something for later on and this is just the first step.

God, I really need to get a life. I mean seriously I’m probably being paranoid over nothing. He kept his promise so I should just give him another chance. But then again I couldn’t help but be skeptical.

So I was at my locker getting my stuff out that I would need for my classes before lunch and when I closed it there was a person there and for a quick second I thought it was Leo but Leo doesn’t have bright red hair.

“Hey Lizzie what’s up?”

I give her my best smile. I mean things had been great. I’ve been talking to Robin and all of my friends more. I’ve actually almost caught up on my homework. Yeah I haven’t had any memory flashes lately but right now I’m just enjoying this peaceful time I’m having.

“I’m doing great actually, though the time limit I gave Leo to not talk to me is up as of today.” Of course I told Stacy what was going on. She was my inside woman on all the dirt that is Leo. She was making sure he wasn’t planning anything that she could see. As far as we knew he wasn’t, but she refused to go into his room because she said, and I quote, ‘I am not going into that sex dungeon of a room! Period the end!’.

“Yeah I know. But as far as I can tell he is keeping his promise, which let me tell out is really weird for him but whatever. Just enjoy the silence while you can chica enjoy it while you can.”

“Yeah I am.”

“Hey you know what we should do later tonight!”

Oh no she has the evil glint in her eye again, “What?” I ask warily.

“Oh don’t worry it’s nothing bad, well it might be depending on your point of view. But anyway we should go the football game tonight! Doesn’t that sound like fun!?”

“Umm….I don’t know….” I started but Stacy decided to interrupt.

“Come Liz please! It’s like the only game I don’t have to go to and be a cheerleader because coach decided that Junior Varsity should cheer this one. Which is pretty stupid if you ask me since it’s against one of our biggest rival schools! But anyway, getting back on track, please Liz! For me! Please, please, please, please, please….!” She practically whined right into my ear. How I am not deft because of this girl is a complete mystery to me.

But I wanted to go it’s just the word football sounds familiar but I have no idea what it is. Not even in the years I remember do I know what football really is. And I don’t think Legend High has a football team so yeah, “Well does it matter that I don’t know what football even is?”

Stacy stopped walking suddenly almost making me fall over from the sudden stop. I look back at her and she is giving me a bewildered look, “What?” she questioned, “You don’t know what football is? Like at all?” 

I shrug, “I know the word.”

She just shakes her head, “Well at least that’s something. Okay…you’re going to that football game and I’m gonna teach you all about it!” she smiled reassuringly but she still had that mischievous glint in her eyes.  

“Do I have a choice?”

“Not really! But don’t worry it’ll be fun!”

I sighed. Well if I have no choice, “I hope so.”

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