Chapter 21 ~ Taking a stand!

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I just couldn’t believe my eyes.

I mean what I was seeing couldn’t be happening right now, it just couldn’t.

“Scar? Scar are you alright?” Leo asked, shaking me a little bit.

I shook my head. No I wasn’t alright how can seeing your school on a TV news station showing off all the kids in said school going wild a crazy with fights, destroying property, and setting fires supposed to be alright. I mean my friends were in there! They could be hurt or worse they were actually apart of the destruction. How could this have happened?

“Lizzie you need to calm down your hyperventilating.” I heard a distant voice say.

“This can’t be happening, this can’t be happening…” I heard someone mumble over and over again. It took me a minute to realize it was me.

“Lizzie you need to snap out of it.” A higher more feminine voice said before it felt like the whole world was shaking. Then suddenly I felt a slap to the face and that sobered me right up.

“Thanks.” I said to Stacy, “I needed that.”

She shrugged casually, “No problem.”

“So Scar what’s going on? What’s happening at your school?”

I shook my head, “I don’t know…”

They looked at me skeptically, “I seriously don’t know you guys. But my friends are in there!” I cried, gesturing frantically at the TV.

“We know Lizzie!” Stacy said calmly, “We want to know what’s up just as much as you do.”

“I know I’m just scared for them…” I trailed off as I stared at the TV and listened to the news broadcast.

“Now nobody knows what is going on in this school because there have been no problems of this nature in the past. But there is some speculation as to why the students inside of Legend High have started to act out in this way.

“In the recent weeks the school has locked out any contact with the outside world, so maybe the students have gone stir crazy because of it. There are other theories but it is all speculation at this point.”

The reporter on the other end other the conversation asked about what the police were planning to do about my friends, and my schoolmate’s erratic behavior.

“Well Shepard right now the police wants to go in to shut all of this activity down but because these are just children and they don’t want to cause any injuries they are holding back and not barging in and taking the school over. So for now there is nothing the police can do.”

They continued on like this, asking questions and most of it was speculation and guessing.

But as we continued watching and they continued talking suddenly there was a loud explosion that caused the on sight anchor and camera woman duck for cover and run to a safer area.

“Oh God…” I cried, bring my hand to my mouth at the horror show I was watching. My school was crumbling before my very eyes and my heart felt like it was crumbling with it.

Then I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around me comfortingly. It felt like they were holding me together while my world fell apart around me.

“Shh it’s okay Lizzie. It’s going to be okay.” Leo’s voice whispered into my ear before giving me a soft kiss to the top of my head.

I continued watching as the news station continued their live coverage and all they could do was continue speculating about what was going on, what was going to be done about it, and the history of the school and how it was odd that this was happening to such a prestigious school.

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