Chapter 6 ~ Warnings and Confrontations

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******* Important Note at end of chapter(so don't skip it)*******

Anyway Enjoy and I hope you like it!

And also check out this new book I just found it's called Handcrafted Boyfriend! It's by REVillarreal and only the first page was up but I was immediately hooked! So go check it out if you have time!


Honk! Honk! 

That is the third time he has done that and it is getting on my nerves, “For god sakes I’m coming already!” I yelled even though I know he couldn’t hear me.

“Are you trying to be annoying?” I asked as I hopped into the car.

“Are you trying to make us late?” he retorted back putting the car into drive and peeling off.

“Sorry that I actually wanted to eat breakfast instead of starve to death.”

“You know I could have given you food.” 


“Somebodies moody today.” He chuckled just absolutely loving my misery.

“Well I only tend to get like this when people solicit rides out of me by going through my father. When that person knows full well I would rather walk to school than get a ride from them.”

“You really like hurting my pride don’t you.”

“Only a little.”

“Well what other options do I have? You don’t give me very many to choose from to start with.”

“Maybe because I have a boyfriend that I like staying loyal to. But apparently you can’t take the hint.”

“I don’t want to get in bed with you for gods sakes I want to be friends with you and I get that you have a freaking boyfriend. After about the third time you smacked down my attempts at hitting on you I got the hint loud and clear. But now when I try to be nice to you, you don’t even give me the chance so I have to retort to stupid childish tactics like asking if I can give you a ride to school in front of your dad. Maybe next time just go along with me being nice to you and that won’t happen again.”

I guess he was right in some ways. I really didn’t give him a chance at being my friend so he did have to retort to those stupid tactics. Man now I feel like a total bitch he was just trying to be nice to me and I keep being rude and hurtful towards him, “Alright fine I’ll play along.”

“Thank the lord.” He sighed in relief.

We rode in silence for a little while before I just blurted out, “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“For being a total bitch to you. I swear I’m not usually like this it’s just I’ve been having a rough time lately and you weren’t really helping my situation and well I took it out on you. It was wrong of me I know that now and I promise to give you a chance and I’ll be totally nice and go along with it.” 

“Can I get that writing by any chance?” He joked glancing at me for a second before turning his attention back to the road.

“Shut up!” I said playfully hitting him on the shoulder.

As soon as we got to school he parked in the parking lot and he actually got out and opened my door for me!? I mean he is actually really nice when you actually give him a chance. 

“So is there any way I can walk you to class?” he asked as we entered the building.

“Well seeing as you’re going to the same place why not.” 

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