Chapter 4 ~ Make me Notice

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So this is my first update after losing most of my stories on my laptop. But I'm updating now so yay! 

I hope you like it. 

If you do like it vote, comment all that fun stuff. 

So now present to you chapter 4! 


The whole rest of the day was torture. Apparently Leo is in every single class I have but like 3 out of the 8. How am I supposed to avoid him and his flirty attitude if I’m gonna see him every single day in almost every single class! 

Luckily I had Stacy to help me out. She was actually really nice and very…energetic. I guess you kind of have to be when you’re a cheerleader. But she seemed like a good person to have around and I could just tell we were gonna be good friends. 

After school I had to walk home, do my memory exercises alone since my dad was working until 6 which was when dinner was so yeah. Then after dinner and finishing my homework that I actually got assigned today I had time to text and skype with some of my friends. They were pretty worried about how I was adjusting to life with my dad, a new school, and all that stuff. Especially Robin….

I spent a good portion of my night talking to him before I finally had to log of to get some sleep. It took me a while to calm down his nerves and all that. I swear he was more worried about me being here than I was. But I found it really sweet for him to worry about me so much. He was a really great guy. And I actually really started to miss them. I know I only just met them since I don’t remember any of them but they really had an effect on me and I missed them. 

But that’s all it really boiled down to I told them how normal life was they asked if I was okay, I asked how they were doing. They couldn’t tell me very much because I couldn’t remember who I was, which I kind of felt out of the loop with but I could handle it. And they kept telling me that school wasn’t the same without me there to beat them at everything we did and so on and so on. 

The next day my uniform finally came in so I wouldn’t stick out in the crowd anymore, and I had to say it was a really cute uniform. 

I actually got to school on time hell I even got there early and I could relatively find my way to my classes. I still got a little lost but at least I wasn’t wandering around aimlessly like yesterday. Best part was, was that I hadn’t run into Leo yet. So to say my mood was 10 times better than yesterday to say the least is the understatement of the year. 

“So how’s our little new girl doing today?” a familiar voice chimed from behind my locker door. Well there went my stellar mood.

“What do you want Leo?” I sighed closing my locker door only to find him leaning against them on the other side of the door. And I had to say he looked pretty awesome in slacks, button down white shirt with not all of the buttons up, his black jacket with little pieces of red on the cuffs and collar and the red tie that was loose and almost undone. He looked like a freaking model.

No wait. Boyfriend! Boyfriend! Boyfriend! You do not get to think these kind of things Lizzie! Not at all! 

“Can’t a fellow classmate see how the new girl is doing? Who might I say looks great in that uniform.” he smirked innocently. Ya know at first I thought the smirk was cute now it’s just flat out irritating. 

“Sure if that fellow classmate understands the other fellow classmate has a boyfriend who will gladly kick that fellow classmate’s ass to a pulp in a second if they ask said boyfriend!” I smiled sweetly even though I felt anything but.

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