Chapter 16 ~ Down in the dumps

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Apparently I am no longer allowed contact with my friends from inside Legend High.

These past two weeks after visiting my mother a few more people have been transferred out. So the board has decided to stop all contact with the outside world. I don’t know how on earth that could possibly help the situation, but according to Robin, before they took away his access, he said the board thought it was worth a shot.

So basically I haven’t been able to talk to or see Robin or any of my friends in two weeks and it was really starting to get to me. I mean I understood they couldn’t go against the board especially since they locked all the doors, windows, and apparently secret passage ways up tight. So there was no getting out for them and no getting in for me.

I missed them but I had Stacy and Leo to help with the times when I felt really lonely. In fact we three have grown even closer over these past two weeks. We’ve been hanging out more, studying together, and all this stuff. And I had to say they were a great pair of friends and I loved them both to bits, but they weren’t the same as my friends at Legend High and Leo was certainly no Robin.

Now I know I shouldn’t sound all needy and stuff but I missed him, and I needed him. I mean this was worst then the last time I hadn’t been able to see them for two weeks because I could still talk to them. This time I can’t do either and it was driving me insane. But oh well there wasn’t anything I could about it but try and remember the past 6 years of my life so then the board will stop this lock down and I can see my friends and boyfriend again.

But at this point I seriously doubt that happening. I mean I have tried everything I could think of to get my memory back and nothing is working. So I figured the only thing I have left to try is just give up and let it come naturally to me if it wants to. At this point I feel like there is a 50/ 50 shot of those memories coming back.

Either way right now I have to live my life and that’s all I can do.

“Hey Lizzie you coming to our party tonight?” Stacy asked the minute I closed my locker.

“Jesus Stacy you scared me!” I gasped.

“Sorry Hun but I need to know if you’re going to go to our party or sulk some more in your room like you have been.”

I shrugged, “I might come, I don’t know yet.”

“Well fine then but later tonight I’m dragging you there whether you want to or not. So you might as well just say yes.”

“I know you will but I’ll be screaming and kicking the whole way there.”

She just smiled at me like I hadn’t said anything at all, “See now that’s the spirit, I’ll pick you up at 8:00.” She said putting her arm around my shoulders before zipping off.

“Alright then…”

“So I guess my sister is being a world wind again…”

I looked over to see Leo and almost jumped about 3 feet in the air, “What is it with you two and scaring the living daylights out of me.”

“Sorry, we kind of have a special skill for sneaking up on people.” He smiled giving me a wink but I just rolled my eyes.

“Yeah obviously, but yes your sister is a whirlwind today. Then again when isn’t she…”

He chuckled at that, “True that. So did I hear right you’re coming to our party tonight?”

I sighed blowing out all my air in one go, “Yeah I guess since your sister is forcing me to go. But I won’t like it.”

“Sure you won’t, but I’m sure once you get there you’ll have a grand old time. I guarantee it.”

I quirked my eyebrow at him, “Oh really? And how are you going to turn my sour mood around?” Because honestly I really wanted to know.

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