Chapter 18 ~ Breaking and Entering

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I did what Leo said and tried to call Robin against what the Legend High school board said but he wouldn’t answer any of my calls or texts.

So I came up with a plan!

I was going to see him. I was going to break in and I was going to see him come hell or high water. Because I refused to give up that easily on us, I loved him too much to do that.

So here I was hiding behind a bush outside the closed wrought iron gates just hoping beyond hope that there were no lasers that will set off an alarm or anything like that. From what I could see there was just some security cameras, and I hope that’s all there was.

Waiting until the camera that was covering where I was going to enter was turned away, since it was a rotating camera, I rushed over the gate and ran like my life was on the line. And in a way it kind of did. But either way it wasn’t getting across the grounds that were the problem it was getting inside. I mean it wasn’t like I could waltz through the front door like last time. And I didn’t see any window that I could crawl through. But giving my surroundings another once over I saw a cracked open window on the second floor and there was a tree branch sort of close to it. Good news was it looked like a jumpable distance.

It didn’t take me long to climb the tree and get to the branch I needed. But somehow once I got where I needed to jump it suddenly seemed a lot farther than when I was on the ground. But I could do this I mean Jesus if I can get past a laser grid in gym class I can jump off a branch and through a gosh darn window!

Alright on the count of three; that’s all I gotta do just count to three and go.

Okay 1…I can totally do this…

2…I’m gonna make it…

3…I’m so gonna die…


And I did it. I jumped and I somehow managed to reach the edge of the window. But only my top half made it, my lower half on the other hand did not, and my stomach felt like it got cut in half from the impact.

“God that hurt…” I gritted out as I pulled myself up and through the window only to crash not so gracefully to the floor.

It took me a minute to catch my breath but eventually I got up and started wondering through the halls looking for anything that seemed familiar to me from when I was here the other day or when Robin took me here on our date. Unfortunately I couldn’t find anything. But just when I was about to give up the bell rang and with it came all kinds of chaos. There were kids casting spells, fighting, dancing, just about everything under the sun. Though some of kids were just trying to get to class, and that’s when I saw her.

“Rachel! Rachel!” I called as I weaved my way through the crowd to reach her.

At first I didn’t think she heard me but after calling out for her one more time she stopped and turned around to face me, “What are you doing here Lizzie?” she dead panned.

Okay that took me aback, “I’m here looking for Robin I need to talk to him.”

She rolled her eyes at me, “Well look you might as well just go back home to the place you actually want to be because Robin has no interest in talking to you anymore. None of us do.”

“What are you talking about Rach?”

“Oh don’t Rach me! Robin came back from visiting you and told us what you said. How you would rather be living a normal mortal life instead of being our leader! How you basically cheated on him with that Leo guy. How you don’t even want to be around us anymore!”

“No I never said that or did that! Robin was just mad and hurt and he took it out of proportion, I would never intentionally hurt anyone. I promise Rachel.”

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