Chapter 25 ~ Graduation Day!

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  • Dedicated to To everyone who read this story!

Looking into the mirror I flattened out my blue graduation gown and straightened out my graduation cap.

It’s been months since Sarah and Mary’s attack on us and I had to say it’s been a hectic few months, not as hectic as when I had amnesia and then right after I got it back, but it was crazy enough.

I mean since the board thought I was still considered a Legend I had to transfer back over to Legend High and finish out my training and school work just in case I decided to be reinstated as the Blue Fairy. But luckily I still got to see Leo and Stacy every now and again, but especially when they were helping us rebuild the school back to the way it was.

But ever since I got told I could be reinstated I talked to everyone I possibly could. I talked to my friends here at Legend High, I talked to Leo and Stacy, I talked to my mom, and I especially talked to Robin.

He has been amazing these last few months, but then again when isn’t he amazing. We talked all the time bouncing ideas and thoughts off each other, trying to find a solution to my problem, because I do want to be the Blue Fairy but I didn’t want to leave Leo and Stacy behind. So it was kind of great to have the kind of backboard to talk everything over with. Luckily though I finally came to a solution, I just hope it went over well with everyone.

Suddenly there was a knock on my door bringing me out of my thoughts, “Hey Blue you ready to go?”

I sighed before giving him the best smile I could muster up, “As ready as I’m ever going to be.”

I guess my smile didn’t really work because Robin’s gleeful face turned into a frown. He came into the room closing the door behind him and came up to me only to hold my hands to his chest, “What’s the matter Blue?”

I sighed, “I just don’t know how everyone is going to react to my decision and I’m scared I might start a riot or something.”

“That’s all?” he chuckled.

How can he laugh at a time like this, “What do you mean that’s all? I mean this is a big deal Robin!”

“I know, but it’s your decision, your choice, and if people don’t like it then that’s their problem. I and every single one of your friends on the other hand will back your decision no matter what it is.” He smiled lifting my chin up to look him right in the eye, and even though it wasn’t much I was happy to have his support no matter what I said out there.

“You are just too amazing sometimes you know that?” I smiled giving him a hug, probably ruining my cap in the process but I didn’t care.

He squeezed me back before pulling away, “I know, but we should probably get going or else we might not get our diplomas.” He whispered out that last part making me laugh as he grabbed my hand and led me through the hallways until we were at the entrance of the auditorium where everyone who graduating was.

We all said our hello’s, and shared in our excitement that we were about to start our lives. Some people asked me if I was going to be reinstated today but I told them it would have to be a surprise.

Eventually the commencement music started up and we filed in, in a line like we rehearsed and took our seats where we were supposed to. Looking around I couldn’t help but be in awe at how grand it looked. After the attack they renovated and updated everything and there was no expense spared obviously. With the grand pillars, archways, the giant stage, the amazing circular seating, and all the decorations that were put up for this ceremony. It was spectacular and I couldn’t help but smile at it all, especially when I saw all of the Legends watching from the seating around us who I could feel cheering us all on.

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