Chapter 8 ~ Loosen Up

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I was not looking forward to riding to school with Leo this morning. After what happened last night with him almost kissing me and talking it over with Rachel and some of the other girls, they told me to set him straight, I was dreading talking to him. I mean I stayed up all night thinking about what would have happened and what didn’t and it just kept going over and over like an endless movie reel in my mind. Man I need this date with Robin to hurry up and get here I miss him and I want to see him again; and I mean in person and not on a computer screen.

Either way as much as I didn’t want it to happen it was inevitable and by 8:00 Leo was outside my house honking his horn for me to hurry up. Maybe I can walk it’s not like he can kidnap me or anything. On second thought maybe he would. Dang it!

“Morning Scar!” Leo beamed at me.

“Hey Leo.” I groaned.

He started talking and I wasn’t really paying attention; just mindlessly wringing my hands in my lap trying to figure out how to bring up last night in one way or another. I just didn’t know how and it was killing me, “Scar? Scar!”

“Huh? What…”

“Finally….I’ve been trying to get your attention for the last half mile.” He chuckled dryly.

“Okay then…”

“Well it was just I wanted to ask you something.”

Alright then, “Ask away then.”

“Why is it you freaked out yesterday when you saw that show on TV I mean you looked pretty upset about it….” He says actually looking concerned.

“Umm just stuff I’ve been dealing with. It made me feel horrible about myself and I just didn’t want to feel like that. I said I’m sorry about it I really was.”

“Why does watching a TV show make you feel horrible?”

“I just….” I paused thinking about how just watching a TV show can make me feel like I’m a failure and a disappointment. I’ve failed so many Lizzie tests I’ve seen so many faces full of sadness and pity. And I started laughing. Well not really laughing more like a dry chuckle producing barely any sound. Then I realized that I didn’t want to tell him this he doesn’t need to know, “Well that’s really none of your business now is it?”

“I know it’s not but it looked like you were really torn up even right now you look all tense and worried and I just wanted to know if there was anything I could do to help or if it was because of me. Sorry for asking.”

“It’s alright it’s not your fault.” Yeah right he’s the reason you stayed up all night tossing and turning. I should be doing what Rachel and the girls said and set him straight. I mean I shouldn’t even be speaking to him right now he broke a rule or came dangerously close to it.

“So I was wondering if I could come over and study at your place tonight. Or really after school help you catch up with all that make up work.”

“How did you…wait let me guess Stacy right?”

“Unfortunately yeah. But can I or no?”

I should have said no. He almost kissed me the last thing I should be doing is spending more time with him. I should have said it and then added that he should stop talking to me cause he pretty much broke a rule and to just forget the whole friendship thing since he didn’t respect my wishes. That I have a boyfriend and he needs to back off. I should have said all that and more but instead what came out was, “Sure.”


“What did you get for number 10?” Leo asked me hours later in my living room. He wanted to go to my room to study but there is no way I was gonna risk my dad seeing a guy in my room. Plus after what happened last night…No way no how is that gonna happen!

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