Chapter 24 ~ It's all over, or is it?

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That’s all I felt was pain. There was blood dripping from me onto the floor and causing a little pool to form.

But I wasn’t dead! No Robin’s arrow had missed my heart and hit my shoulder. I would have thought it to be a miracle but there was only one problem with it being a miracle. The person shooting said arrow was Robin Hood and he never EVER misses his target, so that means he changed his aim at the last minute which mean…

I gasped and shot my head up to look at him and I couldn’t have been more elated when I saw him smiling and then gave me a playful wink. He broke through! My Robin is here and even though he hit me at least now he was free and on my side!

“Robin what in the hell are you thinking!?” Sarah screeched.

“I’m saving my girl from monsters like you!” he growled and then in a blink of an eye he shot two arrows, one hitting Sarah in the hand the other hitting Mary in the foot.

They hollered in pain, which come on being shot by arrow freaking hurts, I should know after all, but Robin took that distraction to run over and untie me from the post. The minute he did I almost fell to the ground but thankfully he caught me before I could face plant.

“Blue are you alright?”

“Besides the fact that I’m bleeding, never better.” I joked, gripping onto the arrow and snapping it in half just leaving the head and a little bit of the shaft. Even though it hurt like hell I held it in.

“I’m sorry Blue, I couldn’t turn my bow completely away in time to not hit you.”

“It’s fine…” I grounded out in pain before I looked up and glared at Mary and Sarah who were just now getting their arrows out, “Let’s just kick their asses alright?” I said giving him the best smile I could at the moment.

He just smiled back, “Alright then, are you sure?”

I nodded, “After what they did to me, this school, my family, and you guys they need to pay!” I growled, glaring at them with everything I had.

He nodded in understanding, “Okay Blue…”

Then Sarah made a noise that could only be described as a animalistic growl before she screamed as loud as she could while holding her bleeding hand, “You’re going to pay for that!”

“Well you’re going to pay for everything you did!” I screamed right back.

“You’re gonna have to get to us first.” She smirked. Her eyes wide and crazy, kinda like Tom Cruise when his eyes go wide, and a crazy smile on her face. Then in a flash they were gone and the back way up high in the ceilings and then everyone who was standing there watching my execution turned and started running at both me and Robin.

It wouldn’t take them long to reach us but when me and Robin looked at each other it was like time slowed for that one second. We understood that we were going to have to fight if we wanted to help our friends and that we were going to have to put everything on the line. We understood that and we were okay with that. But also in that moment we made a promise to one another, that we would see each other on the other side of all of this.

And just like that we nodded and went off in different directions; me to grab my wand and sword, Robin to try and handle the mob of people. I knew he could handle them, he just needed to hold his own until I got up to where Mary and Sarah were and to stop them and I believed whole heartedly he could do it.

So while Robin was down on the ground fighting I was like a monkey jumping through the rafters and beams of the auditorium to get up to where Mary and Sarah were. Just one more jump and I would have been there except right when I made that last jump to reach them I jumped right into an invisible barrier that caused me to go flying uncontrollably through the air.

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