Chapter 9 ~ Finally!

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Ding Dong!

Yay he was here! I bolted down the steps almost running over my dad in the process. I mumbled an apology not even stopping till I was swinging open the door to see Robin; and I had to suck in a breath. He looked absolutely stunning in his nice tan pants and blue polo shirt that matched his amazing grey blue eyes. He was just so hot it was unfair.

I couldn’t help a big giant grin coming on my face as he beamed down at me the minute his eyes landed on me, “Hey….” He sighed in a rather lustful tone.

“Hi….” I said right back leaning against the door.

“You ready to go?”

“Yeah….just let me grab my purse. You can come in while I find it if you want.”

He nodded then followed me inside, “Honey where are you headed off to?” My dad called walking into the room.

“I’m going out with Robin. He’s from my other school.”

“Oh I’ve met him before Sweetie, a couple of times actually. I forgot that you don’t remember us meeting.”

“Well that’s good. I’ll be back around 11:00 alright?” I asked walking back over to Robin.

“Thanks for letting me take her out Mr. Scarlet. I was starting to think I was never going to see her in person again.” He smiled wrapping his arm around my shoulders and hugging me close to him.

My dad looked at his arm on my shoulder for a quick second before looking back at Robin. There was something in his eyes it looked like a mixture of both fear and hatred. Why on earth would my dad hate Robin and based on the tenseness in Robin’s shoulders he pretty much shared those feelings towards my dad as well. Their eyes were locked on each other’s, staring the other down and looking like they were having a whole conversation just in that one stare. 

But I guess they were trying to hide that something from me because my dad just smiled after a minute and said, “Of course anytime Robin.”

“I’ll bring her back by 11:00 thanks again Sir.”

“Bye dad I’ll see you later!” I exclaimed giving him a quick hug then following Robin out of my house and into his awaiting car. He even opened my door for me! Such a perfect gentleman!

“So where are we going?” I asked as he slid into the driver’s seat beside me.

He started up his car before he finally turned to me and answered with a smirk and a wink, “That my dear Blue is a surprise!”

And with that we drove off on to whatever destination Robin had decided to take me. I didn’t recognize the roads we went on but that shouldn’t be much of a surprise since I don’t really remember anything anymore. But I was just contented that I was with Robin and we were actually together again. Sure I didn’t remember our relationship but that doesn’t mean I didn’t get a few little butterflies in my stomach when I saw him.

We didn’t talk the whole way there the only sound was the quite radio to fill the void but it was a comfortable silence. Not one where you need to talk all the time but one where you felt like you could relax and think to yourself and still feel perfectly happy just being in each other’s company.

The time just seemed to fly by because it felt like we had only been the car a couple of minutes when he finally stopped. I looked out my window and it seem like we were in the middle of nowhere, “Where are we Robin?”

“Well I said that I would take you to all of our spots that were important in our relationship so here we are on stop number one.” He beamed getting out then walking over to my side to help me out.

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