2. Like the idol?

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«Kazuo-kun, your speech was really good!»

«Yeah! I bet you'll choose a Law degree or something about Politics!»

«Eheh thanks guys but I was helped for that...»

Ryoko saw her brother talking with other guys (maybe other freshmen) and he was acting so shy and embarrassed all of a sudden. It was so strange seeing him like that, he usually was so brave and smug. The black haired girl smiled at him and chuckled. "What an idiot..." she thought.

Ryoko was holding a box with a cake inside, the prize for Kazuo and his admission to the To-Oh University. She saw Gynos' shadow on her meaning he was on the roof of the building watching her from up there.

Suddenly she turned towards the main gate of the University and saw a long, shining black British car with an old man waiting outside. Few minutes later she saw the light brunette boy and the guy with a strange way of sitting: this boy had a strange posture too, his back was curved onward and had deep dark circles under his eyes. He said something to the other guy and got in the car but before that he glared at her one more time.

"Who is that guy anyway?" she thought watching the black car driving away.



«Ikki! Come, look!»

Once again Ryoko was at the To-Oh University but this time she was a proponent of her school. She and few other selected students where there to do bureaucratic matters.

Kazuo and his friends were at the tennis fields there in the campus watching an intense match between somebody (Ryoko couldn't see from where she was). When she heard her brother call her she came closer.

«What is it Kazuo? What's happening?»

«It's like watching Wimbledon! Come!» he called her again and she came beside him. She felt a bit uncomfortable not only because she was the only one wearing a formal suit, but also because there were many people around her.

«Oh!» that was true, two skilled boys were playing at tennis. But wait...those were the same boys from the entrance ceremony! Ryoko recognised the strange boy who sat in an oddly way that day.

She was so focused in watching the match that she didn't realise that Gynos was talking with someone.

«Ryuk, there you are!»

«Gynos? What are doing here-Ahh∼ I see...» the other Shinigami had extremely slim and has light-grey skin, almost bluish in colour, with spiky black hair; thin, blue-grey lips and sharp, pointed teeth but Ryoko couldn't see him. «You too uh?»

«I was curious...like you»

«I wasn't curious...I was bored»

Ryoko used all her forces not to appear terrified about that conversation. She tried her best to stay focused on the match pretending not to hear Gynos random phrases. The boy with light brown hair got distracted too and looked at where Ryuk should be and he crossed Ryoko's gaze. They kept staring at each other for other few seconds where the yellow ball shot in front of the boy's eyes, distracting him again.

«Tiebreak!» yelled the referee.(A/N: Tiebreak=if the score gets to 6-6)

Ryoko observed the yellow ball rolling towards her in the red field, the metallic fence blocked the ball to roll farther. The boy with dark circles under his eyes glared at her intensely, then he watched the boy on the other side of the field.

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