10. Masks

431 28 9

|| A/N: mention of death ahead, be careful ||




Ah, Bon Bon Cherry. Ryoko never ate anything more delicious. They are soft chewy pink bonbons with an amazing cherry flavour filling. Sweets and candies were the only thing that Ryoko actually liked of L's HQ. 

Despite Misa Amane was a "member" of the task-force, Ryoko felt still uncomfortable working with other men. Luckily L, Light and Matsuda were young so the atmosphere was not that heavy.

However, Ryoko noticed a change of behaviour in L. Not only he was kind and caring with her but he offered her his own sweets. From his stash! Misa said that not even Light was allowed to take those sweets. Ryoko didn't know how to feel about this: "honoured"? Flattered? She was truly confused.

«Maybe Ryuzaki likes you, Asami-chan∼» Misa once said. Ryoko frowned doubtful.

«Yeah that blondie is right, girl» Gynos would confirm later. Her frown deepened. Such a nonsense, how could someone as the greatest detective in the world had feelings for someone? Ryoko didn't even know if L had feelings in general, he was so emotionless from the voice to the facial expressions. He seemed so empty to her.

September started few days ago and Watari decided to try a new recipe. The results were those wonderful Bon Bon Cherry, Ryoko kept eating them one by one while writing a report for L.

On the other hand, there was L himself. His strategy was working after all. Being nice was always the right approach to gain someone's trust. If he could not obtain a confession with his harsh methods, then kindness will be the solution. 

At first his "kindness" regarded, for example, reducing the agents at her trail, removing some cameras from her house and things like that. The first days everything went smooth, L's acting seemed convincing. Then all of sudden, as if L was hit by a lightning, the whole situation turned upside-down. His fake smiles came back at him truer than ever; his false caring words returned sincerer than before. L's brilliant plan was taking a turn for the worst.

To push away those thoughts L took a Bon Bon Cherry from the plate Watari placed on the desk right next to him. The old man really exceeded himself with that recipe, L had to admit that. One by one, after a while those sweets started to run out until only one was left in the plate.

Ryoko noticed the Bon Bon Cherry were ending and she was determined to eat the last one. She extended the hand without looking at the plate but something warm stopped her. She frowned and turned to see what she touched; her frown was quickly replaced by a slight blush when she saw L's hand on hers. He stopped her from grabbing the last bon bon cherry but maybe he didn't notice because he wasn't looking at her.

«Ehm...Ryuzaki?» Ryoko called him and he turned towards her. At first he didn't understand the situation then he looked down at the plate. For a split of second his eyes widened and his pale cheeks turned pink. But soon he regained his emotionless composure.

«You ate most of them, Asami-chan. The last one is mine»

«It's not true! Actually you offered me these sweets in the first place»

«True but I said you could try them, not devour them »

«Aw come on Ryuzaki...they are so good, you can have them whenever you want» Ryoko pleaded him, hoping her light brown eyes would create some sort of sympathy in him. Her plan seemed to work because L turned away from her gaze and coughed nervously.

«Fine, Asami-chan. You can have it» later he replied. Everyone in the room turned towards them shocked and surprised: L never gave in so easily, especially if sweets were involved. Aizawa smirked and Ide chuckled quietly imagining strange scenarios.

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