7. Deal

572 33 7

(A/N: From now on Ryoko = Asami and vice versa)




«But tell me, Asami-chan...what do you think of Kira?»

"What do I think? That it could be easier if you weren't here"

«Well, if we look at the facts, dear L, I can say that Kira is saving humanity from fear and despair. Until now, they only killed criminals and people with controversial pasts. However, I don't think they could be portrayed as a hero or as a villain either: they are using what they are capable of to do what's the best for mankind. Maybe people trust more Kira than you because, L, Kira had concrete results, obtained something people can see...said results you didn't give to the task-force during these investigations»

Ryoko knew she managed to convince the task-force because they were looking at each other with concern. However, L's eyes darkened as if, with that look, he wanted to yell out loud "You're Kira, just say it".

«It's an interesting point of view, Asami-chan. Please, would you follow me? I want to talk to you in private» L got up and dragging Light with him, he left the main room. She followed them shortly after wondering if there was a "private place" in that building.

During the walk, Ryoko took a look at the two boys: despite his slouched posture, L was as tall as Light (around 179 cm (5' 10½") maybe); however, Light had a bit more muscles than the detective and even the skin tone was slightly different. 

Ah, if she was clumsy with people: if she was in group maybe she could have enough courage to speak and to stand for herself (like before with the task-force and when she slapped L); but alone, with one or two people...there came the problems.

Ryoko was so immersed in her thought that she didn't notice L and Light stopped and she bumped into the detective's back. For less than a second, her nostrils were full of strawberry scent mixed with other sweet smells. Ryoko stepped back a little and looked up at L, who was staring back, and she smiled nervously.

«Sorry...» she apologised quickly but L didn't stop staring. «Did I...hurt you?»

«No Asami-chan, don't worry» L turned and opened the door revealing a fancy lounge with couches, armchairs, a television and a bar. He let Ryoko enter first so he would close the door behind them.

Ryoko walked towards one of the couches and sat down. "Aw, so comfy...damn I want this in my room" she thought while caressing the soft material of the couch. In the meantime, L and Light sat one beside the other on another couch; in the middle a coffee table separated Ryoko's sofa from L and Light's one.

Despite they were there to speak, none of them said a word. Light was relaxing on the couch, eyes closed and arms behind the head; L was staring intensely at Ryoko while she was looking at her surroundings. She would distract herself with anything in order not to think about L's stare.

"She couldn't stand at someone's gaze on her for too long...being alone with less than five people made her feel uncomfortable too. A peculiar behaviour for a mass murderer" L thought while focusing on the raven haired girl. 

Until that moment, he never observed his suspect so close: very long, straight black hair; once a fringe, a lock of hair covered her forehead and part of her thin eyebrows; a little paler than Light but same toned body, meaning she practiced many sports; her done up appearance and posture suggested her family education was very important. However, L was not interested in her gestures in that moment: he observed her eyes' form and colour, a pleachant light chocolate shade which reminded him milk coffee; or he focused on her facial features, the delicate curves of the nose and jawline made her look like a porcelain doll.

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