11. Explanation

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|| (A/N: attention, strong language, mention of harassment and wolf whistle ahead) ||




September arrived with its cold rain and sharp wind. Ryoko was at the station, waiting for the train that would take her home from the Higashi University. She was waiting on the platform staring at nothing in particular.

She was deep in though, thinking over and over again about what Gynos, her Shinigami, told her days ago.

«What if he is not pretending at all? You have to consider that possibility»

She replied coldly at him, asserting that L didn't have an emotional sphere so it was impossible for him to care about someone but himself. At first, she was truly convinced about it since she was still angry at him because of her cruel confinement. However, as time passed, her point of view started to change. Ryoko could easily tell if someone was lying at her or not but with L everything was more difficult than usual. He was always so emotionless and composed, even his voice was flat.

Nevertheless, she somehow sensed that the majority of L's display of "kindness" were sincere. Either he was an extremely talented actor or he was honest with her.

A loud hiss warned her the train arrived and Ryoko followed the other people that took the same train. Despite the incident at the metro station with Matsuda she kept taking trains and metro because she didn't have the licence so she had not much choice. 

During the wait she started to draw random things: dogs, plants, bees and after a while Ryuzaki too. When she noticed what she was doing she quickly closed the book a bit flushed.

«I'm being ridiculous...» Ryoko whispered to herself and sighed. Thirty minutes later she was at Yokohama but she had to walk for a while before reaching her house.

She was walking alone (not truly since there were two agents behind her) still deep in thought when her path was blocked by someone.

«Hey babe, are you all alone here?»

Ryoko raised her head and saw three guys: they had hoods over the head, a sort of scarf around their necks and loose clothes. They didn't seem that clever though. She sensed Gynos flying behind her, his shadow was upon her.

«We can help you if you need help with the...directions» the guy on the right told her, she could almost see the smirk under the scarf.

«Why don't you ask your mother the directions to go to hell?» Ryoko replied sharply and this caused a deep growl from him.

«How dare you, little slut-» that guy was going to grab her but someone else interrupted the action.

«What's happening here?» a man with a long jacket appeared behind Ryoko. She turned and smiled at him.

«Dad!» there he was, Mr. Fusao Koike: a tall man with neck-lengthened black hair, the same shade as Ryoko, all upswept with hair gel; light skin, thin black eyes framed with a pair of glasses and a rather toned body for being a simple estate agent.

« Are those guys bothering you, honey?» his low voice, alongside with a sharp gaze, made the three boys jump in fear for a second. They quickly ran away, leaving Fusao and Ryoko alone in the street.

«Did you know them?»

Ryoko shook the head. Then she saw her father looking in the direction where the three guys ran, his eyes were strange. She recognised the same gaze she had when she wanted to kill someone with the Death Note. «Dad, are you alright?»

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