16. Window [lemon]

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(A/N: be careful, this is a very long lemon so you will find heavy sexual descriptions ahead. Sorry if it's too long but I'm not good in sum up things so meh! Enjoy the smut time >w>)

«I want to take a step forward with you, if you agree of course»

«What is it?»

«I want to make love with you»

The airplane was out of sight, for a moment Ryoko wondered where it was going. Then when L revealed his intention, her face became as red as those lights on the airplane. Luckily, darkness surrounded the bedroom and it was nearly impossible to distinguish their faces.

«I never did it...» Ryoko confessed after a while, still not answering at L's previous statement.

«Neither did I, Asami-chan. However, I know the basis of a sexual intercourse»

No more planes in the black sky. Ryoko really needed something to distract her mind from all the obscene thoughts she was having. She thought about how everything started: the first encounter at the To-Oh, when he revealed himself to her in the cafeteria, her arrest in the White room followed by the collaboration in the Kira case. Then she reflected about all the events that brought them closer: the kidnapping, the incident at the Yotsuba building, the nights spent in reading papers in order to let Ryoko fall asleep.

How much time passed? Months already. And for Ryoko it seemed an entire life. At first, she said Ryuzaki disgusted her since he used strange methods during the investigations. But then, after a while she started to appreciate his particular being, so unique and not well understood. Ryoko couldn't image, at the time of her arrest, that one day L would ask her to make love with her.

«What do you think, Asami?»

Ryoko snapped back in the real world and looked at him. Well, she tried to look at him, the room was still dark.

«I want to do that too, L»

Then an embarrassed air filled the room. Since neither of them did it, they didn't know what to do.

Ryoko decided to use what she read in novels to do the first move: she lowered L's legs, so he was sitting normally, and then she sat on his lap.

«Asami?» for a moment L's usual emotionless voice betrayed him showering confusion.

«In this, L, you don't have to think. There's no logical deduction in making love...let your body and your instinct speak. They won't deceive you»

Ryoko took his face in her hands brushing with the thumbs the cheeks, soft skin against soft skin. She hesitated before moving closer in case he didn't want any of that. But L wasn't moving away from her so Ryoko understood she had the permission to continue; so she kissed him. At first he didn't react, maybe he was questioning himself about the entire thing or was trying to elaborate a full sense thought. But L set aside his usual methodical manner and kissed her back, quite greedily actually.

L had a sweet taste of strawberry ice-cream while Ryoko tasted like mint and L couldn't have enough of it. Once they separated they were panting heavily, a string of saliva still connected them. However, Ryoko hadn't the time to catch fully her breath that L kissed her again. This time he took control of it, devouring her rosy lips as if he was eating his favourite shortcake.

Like the lips, hands started to move too. Ryoko sunk her fingers in L's hair, admiring the softness and the texture; on the other hand, L was bolder than her and grabbed her hips without much force. However, he felt under his fingertips that his gesture caused her a shiver; he smirked in the kiss and the reaction made him determined to do more.

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