5. All I can see is white

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|| ATTENTION! Mention and description of psychological torture. Plus, some dialogues are from the main anime ||




«Don't you think it's a bit too much, L?»

«We're talking about mass murderers, Aizawa-san. They kill in a blink of an eye. Ryoko-san can manage a bit of isolation»

"A bit of isolation", L sometimes could be so funny. The so called "White room torture": a psychological torture that had the sole purpose to destroy people's soul. No colors, no textures, no sounds or noises: everything was white and static. 

You could wonder why L decided to use this method to extort a confession for Ryoko. «Why not?» he would reply. After all, he confined Misa Amane in a straitjacket and Light Yagami in a cell handcuffed for more than 50 days, so what was the problem with the White room?

The task-force didn't quite agree with this measure, considered as "too extreme" even for L. But it was clear they didn't know L at all. For now, they would cooperate but they were ready to stop everything if something started to go wrong.

In particular, Matsuda was more touched than the others. He liked Ryoko: she was clever, cunning and caring too (A/N: Just to have a clear time line= Light and Ryoko were born in 1986, Misa in 1984, L was born in 1982 and Matsuda in 1981. The story is set between 2004 and 2005). He couldn't believe that someone like her could be Kira, it was impossible for him. He refused to believe it (and he will always do so). However, L was his boss and he had to do everything he said.

On the other hand, there was Ryoko. When she was arrested after the lessons at university the two men told her that L would interrogate her at the police station but they lied. She realised she was not at Yokohama anymore (and that confirmed her L's involvement in that story) but she couldn't recognise where she was. Then the two men handcuffed and blindfolded her and later they took her inside a building, Ryoko couldn't tell which one.

Once inside the agents told her to change clothes, leaving all her belongings behind. A bit reluctant, Ryoko did as order and wore a simple white dress (nothing special, a sort of hospital gown but a bit cuter). In the end, she was taken to the White room, she didn't even notice the door behind her was close.

«It's too minimalist for my tastes»

And with that, Ryoko's personal torture began.



She couldn't talk to anybody, she couldn't hear a sound, she couldn't do anything. That room was the physical definition of boredom. Ryoko spent the first hours "exploring" the place: all surfaces were smooth, even the bed (her only form of entertainment); she had water for 10 days and food was served by a man (presumably Watari) in a white paper plate.

Luckily she had Gynos, the Shinigami. His voice and the metallic sound he made with his strange chained rings kept her sanity almost normal. Much like Matsuda, Gynos was against this method too. And if a God of Death said it, it meant that L crossed the line.

«What should I do, girl? I don't like seeing you like this»

«No, it's ok...don't worry» those conversations could be easily confused as hallucinations or delusions and Ryoko played a lot with them. However, Gynos noticed that not all Ryoko's statements were addressed to him...sometimes she talked to herself too.

«小言いふ相手もあらばけふの月... If only she were here, my complaining partner. Today's moon» (A/N: this is an example of "Haiku", a traditional Japanese poetry) Ryoko read out without a particular reason. Was it another Ryoko's ravings? Not for Gynos.

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