6. Escape

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(A/N: mention of fight and strong language ahead. Some dialogues are from the main anime)





Ryoko had to wait meal time. A man, probably Watari, would enter the room (without making any noise), put on the ground a white paper plate with rice and then leave the room. However, before going away, he would poke the raven haired girl with a sort of long baton in order to let her know he was there; she had to wait until he was not in the room anymore to start eating.

That time came quickly because Gynos warned her Watari was coming. She had to be prepared, she didn't know how Watari would react at her attack. Moreover, Watari was much larger, older and stronger than Ryoko, and of course, much more in good health than her.

She couldn't hear the door opening, her back faced it, but she felt the signal on her shoulder: the poking with the baton. She grabbed it to stand up and then she pulled it away from Watari's hands; using it as a distraction, Ryoko started immediately the fight. At first she punched him in the face and he, obviously, avoided it skilfully, he attacked back and Ryoko avoided it in turn; then she kicked him in the leg and attacking rapidly his shoulder, the hip and tripped him over the ground.

Watari did the same and Ryoko fell hard on her back. She let out a yell of pain then she noticed Watari was going to trap her with his arms so she rolled away from him just in time. With a couple of flips, she was on her legs again and so was the older man. He tried to kick her in the hip but she avoided it slapping his leg away; Watari didn't lose time and tried to kick her again but Ryoko used her leg to protect herself.

"I have to be quick or he will warn L" she thought. Her forehead was sweaty and she could feel her forces slowly abandon her.

In one last attempt, she punched him many times while blocking all his kicks. She saw her chance; his face was defenceless so she kicked him hard. In the middle of his face. Ryoko yelled again in pain and Watari fell unconscious on the ground.

She stood there staring at him for few seconds just to be sure he fainted. He didn't get up so Ryoko took the black baton and rushed outside that damn White room, closing and locking the door behind her.

«Sorry-not-sorry Watari-san» she said towards the door and when she turned she almost cried.




She could live the world again! She was so happy!

«Move girl, you don't have much time. Follow me» Gynos distracted her and started to lead the way towards the exit. Ryoko noticed how labyrinthine that place was: the hallways were all the same, it seemed to run in circle. Thanks to Gynos she managed to reach the exit door; once outside she used the baton to block the door (just in case Watari escaped the room) and then she observed her surroundings.

«It's an hotel laundry!» Ryoko noticed with shock. She was trapped in an hotel basement all this time? She was going to give L a roasting, a very good one.

«This way, girl» Gynos' raspy voice distracted her again and she quickly followed him outside the laundry. Ryoko's light chocolate eyes sparkled in joy at that sight.

Other people.


Social interactions.

She could sense her heart skip a beat for the happiness. She almost forgot what was like being with other people. While following Gynos she kept watching the world around her, Ryoko's mind was feeling better minute after minute.

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