4. Eyes

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Ryoko stretched her arms and legs: she wasn't used to sit for four hours straight without a break. She kept working on the files Ryuzaki gave her, files about the first Kira's victims: twelve FBI agents died in a mysterious way. She was trying to connect those murders somehow. Her attention was focused on a specific victim: Raye Penber, a handsome man with black hair and light eyes; according to the file he is American, though he has a Japanese mother. However, something was missing...she could sense it.

Ryoko got up from her chair. Few weeks ago a new year started and everything was white outside. She loved snow and playing with it, she had good memories linked to the snow.

«Oi Ryoko-san, what are you looking at?» she heard Matsuda asking her from behind.

«The snow...I really like it»

During her time in that hotel, Ryoko got along with everyone there: Matsuda reminded her of her own brother, Aizawa was the "action man" of the group (preferring working outside rather than reading some boring paper) and Soichiro was like her father to Ryoko, so kind and protective.

And what about Ryuzaki? She didn't know how to approach him, he had still suspects about her. Initially he was cold, distant and insolent; but later she discovered a "cute" side of him: a sweet-lover (or addicted), good listener and advisor and he knew many languages. At least, he didn't treat her badly as he did with poor Matsuda.

«Matsuda-san, can I talk to you for a moment?»

«Uh...yeah sure» Matsuda got up from his desk and followed her outside the room. «What is it, Koike-san?»

«Matsuda, I have the suspect something is missing about those FBI agents killed by Kira. I want to confirm my suspects but Ryuzaki will not let me go alone...would you come with me, please?»

Matsuda turned red as a tomato, it was clear he had a crush on her. A huge one indeed. «U-Uh...y-yes! I mean...o-of course! We have to warn Ryuzaki then» Ryoko nodded hoping Ryuzaki would say yes.



«So you want to interrogate two people...»

Ryoko nodded, Matsuda next to her.

«And you want to go with Matsuda...»

Ryoko nodded again. She and Matsuda were asking the permission to go outside and investigate. Ryuzaki was actually eating a large cup of ice-cream in that moment, chewing with an open mouth while talking to them.

«Why should I say yes?»

«Because I believe this interrogation will overturn the entire case»

Ryuzaki narrowed his dull, dark eyes observing her but he looked away when Ryoko looked at him as well. His dark hair was covering most of his face and Ryoko could not tell what kind of emotions he was feeling.

«Very well...if you say so...» Ryuzaki replied in a whisper. «Matsuda, before you go...I want to talk in private with you» Ryoko looked at him with a sympathetic smile then left the room.

«Yes Ryuzaki?»

The pale skinned man climbed down from his chair and came closer to Matsuda. «Don't do stupid and childish things...she is still a suspect, likely a mass murderer too. I would appreciate a professional behaviour from you» he looked at him with a strange gaze.

Matsuda swallowed hard. «Yes, understood!» Ryuzaki observed him for few seconds before returning crouched in his chair. Matsuda left the room quickly, sighing in relief.

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