9. Operation

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"I swear, if this situation is something planned by L...I'm going to slap him again and again"

The wagon was incredibly silent, only few cries could be heard. Now Ryoko and Matsuda were holding tightly their shaking hands in order to stay calm.

«Girl, I can kill them if you want...you have the Death Note in your purse» Gynos stood in the main corridor of the wagon, in front of Ryoko. She said no with the head slightly. However, Gynos was worried: the fact that his favourite was in constant danger was something that bothered him a lot. This reminded him Gelus, the Shinigami who died sacrificing himself because he fell in love with a human. Gynos didn't want to end like him but at the same time he had the instinct to save her.

«Alright...» he will listen to her for now. Since he was invisible and untouchable, he went where the three kidnappers were in order to listen to their conversations.

«Don't worry Asami-chan, everything will be fine» Ryoko heard Matsuda say at her ear, a strange and reassuring voice came out of him. She nodded and smiled faintly at him to reassure him too.

Meanwhile, L talked "kindly" with the mayor expressing all his doubts about how he supervised the situation: the truth was L scolded the mayor saying that two important members of his task-force were in that wagon meaning the mayor had to use all his instruments to solve the problem. L proposed to pay the ransom (of course the mayor accepted the offer) and he had to keep L well-informed every minute.

«Why are you such a rush, Ryuzaki? I know this is not your first kidnap but...I noticed your strange...behaviour» Light, who sat next to him, asked concerned.

«A kidnap is something serious, Light-kun. You couldn't predict the consequences»

«I know but...I never saw you so nervous and worried. Is it because there were Asami-chan and Matsuda in that train?»

That was a good question. L was the greatest detective in the world, kidnappings were very simple from his point of view. The most "difficult" thing was convincing the kidnappers and he was very good with words. However, this time was different, L could sense it. Until that moment the criminal underworld was something much far from him, something that didn't concern him at all if not to spread justice. Said moment came when someone from his own team got involved in that underworld. It happened other times that a member of L's team was taken hostage, that was why he worked alone.

He wouldn't be worried because he would succeed in his work, as always, but something inside him was making him feel more worried than usual. He felt similar feelings when Ukita died because of the second Kira. He hated to lose someone of his team. He wanted to take the car with Watari, drive towards the mayor's office and yell at him for his incompetence so bad, but he couldn't.

«I'm nervous because it could be Kira, Light-kun. If they managed to find out Asami or Matsuda's real name, the entire task-force is in danger. You and me included»



Something bad happened the past ten minutes: a ticket inspector tried to stop the kidnappers and he was shot and, shortly after that, a plain-clothes police officer did the same...failing. So since the kidnapping started, there were already two victims. 

In order to keep the other hostages quiet, the kidnappers decided to leave both the bodies in the wagon's corridor...much like a warning: "this is what will happen if you interfere", this was the message. 

Ryoko, in that situation, was completely shocked. She couldn't look away from those bodies (and from the blood on the floor). Matsuda was shocked too but he never showed it; instead, when one of the kidnappers shot at that man, he hugged her tightly mostly to use himself as a shield.

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